Time to go back to reality 🌸🌚⚡️

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📍January 2016

Elyse Pov

I wake up with a smile on my face. Chris is facing the other way. Today is the New Year, which means a whole new year for different opportunities. I think back to yesterday and how magical it all was. It's like I found a magic genie and asked for a few wishes, and they are all coming true.

Yesterday was so much fun celebrating with Chris's family and how excited they were when the kids announced I was dating Chris. How would they get to see more of my face around? I didn't know what Chris meant by that, so I just let it slide for now.

I had a talk with Ma. I can't believe I have a mother. It sounds so surreal to say that. I told Lisa everything yesterday, as I felt a strong bond with her. She gave me her number and told me she was here for me no matter what, and she already accepted me into the family, which led to more waterworks.

I later found out she and her husband, Robert, got divorced when the kids were pretty young. I was wondering about that. I didn't see him, or I didn't even question it at the dinner during Christmas.

I got along great with all of Chris' siblings. I officially made it into their group chat. I laugh at the thought of it. Last night after my shower, I saw Chris shirtless for the first time, and I can't believe he has all these tattoos. He has so many of them all over his chest, stomach, and two on his arms. It turns me on even more.

I can't believe I'm here in Boston with the man better than my dreams, and I'm not working right now. I've never felt better. I notice the time, as it's still super early, and turn around, cuddling into Chris. I notice he's only in his underwear, and I like that.

I kiss his back and hug him from behind, and I close my eyes, and his scent lures me back to sleep.

It's now 9 a.m., and I wake up and feel something poking my thigh. I look down and see Chris is rock hard, as I can see an outline of his dick through his Calvins. His dick is super thick and seems long by the looks of it. It's twitching, and so is Chris, a little.

I put my focus back on Chris's face, as it's my favorite thing to do now.

"Good morning, baby. I can feel you staring, '' he says as he slowly opens his eyes. I giggled a little as he looked down, and he noticed how hard he is.

"Elyse, I'm so sorry about this. I'll go jump in the shower," he told me while getting up.

I chuckle and smirk, as he knows I'm not ready. As he's in the shower, I see a couple of messages from colleagues wishing me a good year, and some from Sebastian and Dakota. I remember calling Dakota at Ma's home last night to wish her, and she was somewhere tropical with Chris celebrating.

After Chris comes out of the shower and asks me what I want for breakfast and tells me to dress warmly as he wants to take me somewhere after feasting, he kisses me and heads out.

I take a nice shower, walk into the closet, put on my sweatpants and a thick long sleeve, and grab one of Chris's sweatshirts as I'm running out of clean clothes. I hope he doesn't mind. I pull my hair back in a braid and walk to the kitchen, where I smell pancakes.

I take a seat, and Chris hands me a plate and sits next to me.

"It's so funny I have the same exact sweatshirt, babe," Chris teases me, and I blush.

"I hope you don't mind," I say, taking a bite.

"It looks better on you, honestly," he says, kissing me and I smirk back at him, feeding him a raspberry.

After breakfast, Chris tells me he wants to go on a hike with me around his house if I am up for it, and I practically jump, run, and grab my sneakers.

Chris laughs behind me and links my hand with his, and we start walking away from his house.

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