Where's Chris? 💍❤️

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Elyse Pov

I woke up this morning, and my eyes were met with Chris's face.

I jump a little, and Chris moves in his sleep; he is still sleeping on Face Time.

I don't remember falling asleep, and I guess we never ended the call.

I smile, as I can hear his soft snore through the call.

My door pushes open with a little Stella and Dakota bringing in coffee and singing some sort of tune, and I hang up the call, not wanting to wake Chris up or have them get suspicious of anything.

I sit up, and Stella hands me a bag of donuts, and I bop her nose.

She is excited today as she has a big job as a flower girl.

She was throwing flowers all over the place yesterday while practicing, and it was too cute. I hum and drink my warm coffee, and Ma walks in with a gift bag.

"What's all this?" I ask as she hands me the bag.

"Just open it, honey," she says, taking my coffee out of my hand.

Stella and Dakota are sitting on the bed waiting for me to open it, and I pull out the coziest robe.

It is a pretty cream color, and on the back, it says Mrs. Evans. I get up and hug Ma, almost spilling the coffee.

"Thank you, Ma," I said, not letting go.

"I love it; thank you," I say, pulling back.

"Your welcome, sweetheart... I'm happy you love it," she says, handing me my coffee back.

"You girls should start to get ready. We have a big day today" , she says. I have too much adrenaline pumping through my veins and haven't really thought today would be so special just yet.

I'm acting like it's another shoot—not my wedding, just another runway walk. It hasn't really hit me that I'm getting married today.

I am sitting in a chair getting my hair done. The hairstylist is doing a slicked-back, messy bun with some hair framing my face.

She is curling my hair, and she will put some baby's breath in my hair.

"How are you doing?" Carly asks to come into the room with Miss. Stella looks like a princess in her dress.

"I'm doing okay; my stomach is in knots and my heart is beating a hundred miles a minute, but I couldn't be happier," I say.

"Well, I just got off the phone with Scott, and he told me Chris has already cried two times this morning... I just wanted to thank you for making my brother so happy and actually caring for him," she says.

"Carly, I'm going to start to cry." I say, and the hairstylist hands me a napkin.

"I love you, Carly; thank you," I say, getting up and hugging her.

Dakota does my makeup and keeps it simple with some concealer, mascara, winged eyeliner, and of course, a rosy, nude pink lip.

I am standing in front of the mirror, holding up my dress to my chest, meanwhile Dakota, Ma, and Shanna are buttoning me up.

I look at myself in the mirror, and I feel so beautiful.

After Carly comes in and helps, we finally get the dress closed and buttoned.

Dakota has tears in her eyes as she can't believe she is here in Cape Cod, putting on her best friend's wedding shoes.

We take a lot of pictures with Polaroid cameras and digital cameras. I am sitting on the sofa outside eating some fruit, as it is almost time to walk down the aisle.

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