Settling In 🏡🍀🌊

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Elyse Pov

A few weeks have gone by now. I'm loving my new life in Boston. Over the past few days, I've become really close to Chris's family. We invited them over for dinner one night. Before they came over, I discussed with Chris how I wanted to come clean and have a new start. I didn't want any secrets from anyone.

So after dinner, I sat the Evans clan down and we explained what happened, most of the things I've had to deal with, and how grateful I was for them.

When it came to coming clean about the scars on my body, I eventually told Ma the truth, but the rest of the family only knew it was a birthmark. I don't think I'll ever be ready to tell them.

Ma had already told me I was a part of the family. And the Evans siblings attacked Chris, saying they would kick him out of the family if he ever tried to hurt me.

They were happy for both of us. I started to cry when they all assured me I was now a part of their family. I was really grateful for that night. Most of all, we were relieved that we didn't have to hide our relationship with anyone.

It was now in the open. There would be some talk in the media, but we ignored it. There was still a lot of talk about me leaving the industry to live with Chris because I "was" pregnant, and such nonsense here and there. But here in Boston, nobody seems to care about us, which I loved.

Everyone treats us like we are normal humans and not some showpiece. Sure, there are still some crazy fans and paparazzi, but we try to avoid them.

Yesterday, we went to Whole Foods to get some groceries. I have to admit, I really enjoyed it. Doing small things with Chris really warmed my heart, and we had a blast meal planning. I loved cooking for Chris, and I'm so happy I can do it more now.

Today Shanna was coming over to help me organize and unpack a few things. Slowly, everything I had ordered was coming in the mail.

Chris told me I could change or add anything to our home, but I was really happy with how everything was already. Shanna and I really clicked, and she was like the little sister I never had.

We were now in the closet, trying to organize all my clothes. Shanna went out to grab a few more boxes or packages that were probably some jackets I bought, and she brought them into the closet.

She asked me if I wanted anything to drink while we wrapped everything up. I nod my head, and she walks out to the kitchen. I open one of the boxes and gasp, and I'm so glad Shanna is not here right now.

I looked inside and saw some things Chris and I had ordered to explore in the bedroom. There are all sorts of vibrators, some different cuff types, handcuffs, and some blindfolds. I shut the box and blushed. I walk to Chris's side and place the box with some of his other things, trying to make it blend in with his side.

Shanna walks in with some lemonade, and I act like nothing happened.

"Are you okay? You seem flushed, Elyse", she says as she hands me my glass.

"Yeah, Shan, I think it's just hot in here," I say, taking a sip, hoping it will cool me down.

"I think we are done in here, and those were some winter clothes. I can leave them in their packages and open them in the winter. Why don't we go hang out outside?" I'm walking her out of the closet.

"Yeah, why don't we watch something on the TV?" Shanna says, walking out of our room towards the living room.

"Yeah, anything you want to watch, I'll grab us something to munch on," I say as we walk into the living room.

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