CHRIS!!! ⚠️ ‼️ 🆘 🏥

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Elyse Pov

"I'm leaving, baby; I'll see you in the afternoon... I love you," I hear Chris say as he kisses my cheek and pulls the duvet up, covering my naked body as he shuts the door on the way out.

I'm in South Africa with Chris, as he is filming for his next movie, "The Red Sea Diving Resort". We have been here for three weeks, and now filming is rougher than expected. Chris rented out a little Airbnb for us. Chris has lots of early-night shoots, and I rarely see him. It's like I'm in Boston on the other side of the world, but I'm glad I'm with him at least. I'm leaving next week to go to LA to approve some shoots for Harper Inc. and meet up with Dakota, who has a surprise for me.

Not only is it blazing hot in Africa, but I keep getting sunburned. I've never gotten sunburned; usually I get tanned but never sunburned, and when I say sunburned, I mean sitting in a tub of milk and aloe vera.

Yesterday I spent the day with Chris on shoot, and it didn't look very good. The heat combined with stunts... I don't know how he does it.

I miss our dogs so much; right now Ma is babysitting them, and sometimes they go over to their uncle's apartment in the city.


I was startled awake. I looked around and saw my phone ringing. Without looking at the caller ID, I answered the phone. It was a panicked Matt on the phone telling me Chris has been in an accident on set; he gives me the hospital information. I hang up and look at the time; it was 2:37 a.m. If Chris left at 10 p.m., it hasn't even been five hours, and he's injured.

I get out of bed, throw on some jeans on the floor and one of Chris's shirts, and rush out the front door. I didn't have time to wait for an Uber, so I took the car and drove myself to the hospital. I don't think I ever rushed out of the house like that, and my heart is literally at my feet. I'm thinking of all the worst situations thanks to Matt since he didn't clarify what happened.

I park the car, and I see Matt waiting outside, and he rushes me inside towards Chris.

My hands started to tremble as I took in the sleeping form of Chris. The heart monitor bleeped in a steady rhythm, and the soft dripping of the IV sounded almost peaceful. Chris had a few bandages on his arms and a cut on his forehead. His leg had a cast. I slowly sat down in the chair next to the bed and leaned forward to grab his hand.

His face was turned to my side, and I kissed my spot and lingered on his cheek. He didn't look peaceful, as his eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were slightly parted.

I moved my hand to caress the skin between his eyebrows, brushing his frown away.

I got startled as he moved, leaning into your touch before his eyelids started to flutter.

I held my breath and leaned closer as he slowly opened his eyes, icy blue and laced with sleep. Chris tried to focus on you, and I softly smiled. "Hi there."

He frowned before breaking into a cough. You quickly got up and reached for the water on his nightstand, guiding him as he took a small sip. The coughing fit left him exhausted, and he dropped back into the cushions.

"Chris! Baby, are you okay? I say with tears streaming down my face.

"Yeah, baby, I'm okay now... Pain medicine," he says with a lazy smile.

I kiss him with everything, and he kisses me back.

I placed your hand on his leg. "Don't scare me like that again, Chris! I don't think my heart would be able to handle it. I mean it.

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