I Need Her Number 📱

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Chris Pov

I've made it to the after-party, and my god, there are a lot of people here. I've been looking around for Elyse. I didn't see her outside in the line. She must have taken the other entrance, I think to myself, but my eyes meet Minka's.

Man, I haven't seen her since 2007.

"Hey Chris, I didn't think you were going to show up to the party." She bats her eyes at me.

I remember being the one who broke up with Minka first. We weren't on the same page. I had made it clear I wasn't interested in her anymore.

"Yes Minka, Hi, How are you? I asked her, clearly annoyed. I want to get out of this conversation. She starts to answer, but I'm not listening anymore as I spot Elyse. She's near the bar, hugging a man.

"Earth to Chris," Minka says. I walk away from Minka towards the back of the party.

I'm stopped by the Russo Brothers, and they pull me into a conversation with some other people. I keep my eye on Elyse.

I wonder why she didn't hug me and who she was just hugging. Is she dating that man? I need answers. As I look her way again, the man turns to stand next to her, and I get a good look and see it's Sebastian.

Sebastian?! How does he know Elyse? I then see Mackie making his way towards them. I need to get out of the conversation and join theirs.

"It's good to see you all, but please excuse me," I said to the Russos. They nodded and let me through.

I make my way towards Elyse. She spots me, and her eyes gaze at mine, and I swear she smiles. I smile back and stand next to Mackie as she keeps eye contact with me.

I order a beer, and we all fall into a conversation... Seb and Mackie spot a friend and make their way out, leaving me and Elyse alone.

"Good luck, man," Mackie whispers in my ear. Seb starts to giggle. He's clearly out of it. Elyse and I fall into a conversation after.

We talk about all sorts of things, along with some side flirting. She lets out a yawn. I tell her I'll help her to her car. And then I feel a pat on my shoulder and look to see if it's Minka.

"Oh, Chris, here you are. I was looking everywhere for you. I need you to take me home and help me out of this dress," she says, batting her eyes at Elyse and giving her a dirty look.

Elyse rolls her eyes and thanks me for a great night. Before I can respond, she walks away. I go to call her, but Minka grabs me.


"What Chris? I know you broke up with Willow, and I've been missing you... Please come over. "

"Stop! Now let me go," I say to her, and she looks shocked. I grab her hand, pull it off of mine, and run toward the exit. I'm hoping to catch Elyse before she leaves.

On my way outside, I spot Minka's publicist. I leave him a message to keep Minka out of my way.

I look around and see Elyse get into a car, and I kick the floor. I walk back towards the sidewalk, and I see Mackie and Sebby trying to order an Uber as they are so loud, arguing about what car to order... I offered to take them to my place, as I hadn't had much to drink.

"Chris, what happened? Where's Elyse?" Mackie asks me I just shake my head and tell him I'll explain in the morning.

As I drive back home, I can't help but feel stupid. When will I ever see her again?

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