Where's Haley‼️

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Haley Pov

"OH COME ON!!!!" I yelled as I hit the steering wheel.

'Two hours Man', I have been stuck in this same spot for the past two hours.

This morning I missed my alarm, and now I'm late. I am on my way over to Elyse's hotel room. Today is Oscar Sunday. Not only are the streets closed and busy, but so are the Starbucks and small shops, as the public of Los Angeles decided today would be a good day to block the one highway lane to my boss's hotel.

The line is going nowhere now that I see that a car has crashed. "Shit," I mumble.

I quickly text Laura that I'm going to be running late and to start getting Elyse ready for the day, as I start to believe this traffic is never going to start moving.

My stomach is rumbling. I look over to the passenger seat and see the Sweetgreen bag looking back at me. I debated eating Elyse's salad, which she had me pick up.

She asked me last night if I could pick it up on my way over. I cursed at myself for missing my alarm, but it was a good sleep-in. I cheer as I see the line moving forward. I just hope Elyse won't kill me when I get there.

I have worked with Elyse since she was 20. Her work ethic is really good; she is always working and never takes a day off.

Which means I am also working on my days off. I am on a day off, but I am technically still on call, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love my job, for the most part.

When I started to work for Elyse, she'd always been a super private person. Her team had me sign an NDA.

I tried to get some information out of her in the beginning, but nothing. She is always daydreaming, sad, and gloomy. I've never heard her mention a boyfriend.

At first, I thought she was married, but no, I guess she's not available for men.

On the other hand, her Aunt Emily.

Emily is like a scary Medusa. I still don't understand how Elyse handles her or how she is still a part of the team. I mean, can't she just fire her aunt and uncle?

It's strange because her life revolves around them. I mean, she still lives in the same house. That's really strange.

Over the years, I have tried to make sure her name stays off the news about her love life, her relationship with her parents, and whatnot.

I have interviewers and any social media outlets brief everything with me first before it airs online, and I have to shut down some press junkets when it gets out of hand with the questions...

It's like Elyse is part of the mafia or something. I mean, she's in her 30s now. I wonder if she'll ever settle. Even at this age, big companies still want her to model for them.

She is too overbooked. I feel bad for her sometimes, and I never hear her complain about something.

A horn brings me out of my thoughts. Slowly, traffic moves, and I make my way out and turn to the exit of the W hotel. I park in the parking lot.

I grab her lunch and run off inside, manifesting that she is in a good mood and not angry.

Elyse Pov

"Okay, Elyse, shut your eyes. I'm moving on to your eye shadow," the makeup artist tells me. I nod and do as he asks.

I'm sitting on this vanity chair getting my makeup done for today. I'm starving, plus, according to Laura, Haley is stuck in traffic with my lunch... I just hope she doesn't end up eating it like she's done in the past.

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