Buster Evans 🐶🐾

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Elyse Pov

"Everything is going to be just fine, baby," Chris says, rubbing my arm.

We have been sitting in the lobby at the vet's waiting for an update on the little guy. They took him in ten minutes ago.

"I just hope we can keep him," I sighed and put my head on Chris's shoulder.

"Mr. Evans," we hear the lady say. We both get up and head back, and we see the little pup wearing a dog cone. He looks so sad as his little ears flop down.

"We gave him some medicine, so he will be out of it for the rest of the day, but the good news is he is clean. We gave him his shots, but he did have an infection on his right paw in the back. He had a torn paw. We've removed it, but he will have to keep the cone on till it heals," she explains.

I let go of Chris and hugged the vet.

"Oh my god, I'm so excited; we can keep the baby; we have to go shopping," I say. I'm so excited to shop for the little guy... I've never owned a dog before, and I can't wait.

"Hold your horses, Elyse. You guys still need to fill out some paperwork and find a name for the puppy," the vet explains.

Chris is smiling ear to ear, seeing how excited I am.

"Okay, let's do it," I say, grabbing Chris's hand while the nurse gets everything ready.

We are sitting in the vet's office signing some papers, and when it comes down to a name, Chris and I looked at each other, and we decided on the name Buster.

Buster Brown Evans

I smile, and once everything is done, paid for, and signed, she leads us to Buster.

The vet tells us they train puppies, so if we are interested in the future, just come by. We take her up on her offer and decide to take Buster home till he recovers, then drop him off for four weeks.

I grab Buster and put him in the dog carrier the vet provided; he looks so cute.

"Come on, pal, let's go home," Chris says. I take Chris's hand, and we walk to the car. Chris drives and takes us to the nearest pet store.

We both go a little crazy picking out two dog beds, a lot of toys, dog treats, walking equipment, and food and water bowls, and we make him a name tag.

Buster is still asleep in the trolley as we fill it up. Once we've paid, we head on home, and we bring out the pet yard near the kitchen and set him in his new bed.

We put the other one in our bedroom just in case he decided to sleep there in the future. I smile as I put his bowls near the end of the island, and we put his collar on the key holder for now, not trying to lose it.

We are enjoying lunch. I tell Chris how excited I am to have Buster with us and can't wait to see what the future will look like. After a few hours, I'm watching some TV, and Chris is on his laptop answering some emails.

We hear Buster whining, and we run over like little kids and get in the playpen. He falls straight on his face, as his cone is a bit big for his tiny head.

Chris throws his head back and clutches his chest, as it's the most adorable thing.

I pick him up, and he licks my face. We bring him out to explore, and his face falls again, and he's sliding around using the cone. I can't help but laugh. We help him back up and take him toward his fueling station, and he sniffs around and is finally eating.

The vet said to wait a while for him to go outside, so we skipped taking him out. I can't wait to take Buster on walks. We put drops of his medicine in his water, and as soon as he's finished, he goes back to sleep. I feel bad for the little guy.

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