Steamy Showers 🚿❤️

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📍February 2016

Elyse Pov

It's been a few days now, and Chris and I have never been happier.

I was utterly shocked when he told me he was in love with me. I never imagined I would ever be capable of loving someone, but I must admit I had been falling in love with him too.

I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life without him. Let alone not having talked to him for a few hours.

I would feel a part of me missing. I didn't think I'd ever felt so loved since meeting him.

Chris is really good with his words, and his kisses make me feel like I'm on cloud nine.

The next day, he went back to work. He had long days doing promotions for Age of Ultron, and in two weeks he would go on a press tour around the world.

Today Scott and I are planning on going out for lunch and catching up.

I always love hanging out with Scott. He makes me laugh in a way nobody has ever made me laugh; he gets it.

I'm trying to set him up with one of my model guy friends, hoping he can get some action since all he has been doing is complaining and moping around if he catches me and Chris making out on the couch or, like he says, being all cute and gross.

So I decided to become his wingman and see how it went.

I meet Scott for lunch, and we fall into a discussion about the modeling world, its ups and downs, and I totally lost track of time, as Haley calls me, telling me I need to be at Universal to shoot a commercial.

I hug Scott goodbye and make my way over to the set.

Chris and I have been texting nonstop and sending each other selfies. He wants me to spend the night at his place tomorrow.

Scott is going clubbing tonight with Steve for their first date. I hope they get along. I wrap up on set and head to my management team's office, as I have a couple of meetings to go over some things.

I park, and I see Tony's car is also there.

I groan and get out. So far, they have left me alone since the New Year.

Maybe they've come to their senses after what happened to me. I still doubt it. I walk in, greeted by Haley; she doesn't look too happy.

Apparently, I was seen having lunch with Scott Evans, and the media are linking it to having to do something with Chris.

My team was not too happy to see the articles. Haley ended up saving the day and made up some fib that somehow worked on Elizabeth and Tony.

So Elizabeth came up with a game plan to distract the media, meaning I'll have to work double again.

They put me in for hours and hours of shooting. I'm not looking forward to this.

I just want to walk out and go to Chris and just get out of LA.

I had a late night after having a meeting with my team, and I was so frustrated and tired.

As I was soaking in the bath, I couldn't get Chris out of my mind. I was starting to feel an ache between my legs, wanting some kind of release.

I've never felt it before, as this way is all new for me. I think I'm ready to be more intimate with Chris.

I want to feel all of him. I decide to think about something else. I get out of the bath and Facetime Chris as I am getting ready for bed, go to sleep, and push that thought out of my mind for now.

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