New Years ✨🎊💓

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Elyse Pov

I really need to pee. I try to get up, but something is holding me down. I look down and notice Chris is spooning me from behind and has a tight grip on me. I smile at the memory of last night and how thoughtful and caring he was.

I was afraid Chris might not want to stay last night, and he took me by surprise. I turn around to face him, and he is snoring a little. Despite his bed hair, he still looks so dreamy. Chris has the longest eyelashes I've ever seen, and I'm looking at them up close now.

"Chris, wake up. I have to pee," I whisper as I touch the beauty mark on his left cheek. He twitches in his sleep and tightens his grip more on me. He groans as he opens his eyes.

I swear they get bluer every time I look into them. He lets me go, and I get up and use the bathroom and come back, and Chris is still sleeping.

I decide to take a shower and get ready for the day. Today is New Year's Eve, and we are going to Chris's Ma's house today to celebrate the New Year.

After showering, I dress, walk to the kitchen, and start to make some coffee. I make myself a cup, grab a blanket, and go sit on the patio in the backyard.

Last week, Chris showed me around his house. He has a beautiful yard with a pool and a little seating area. I make myself comfortable on the couch, wrapping myself in the blanket, and enjoy the view while drinking my coffee.

I think back to last night's conversation, where Chris told me he would put me in contact with his lawyers to help me get out of this mess. I wonder if this is really it and if I could leave the past in the past and start over.

I don't even hear Chris come out until I see him dressed and ready for the day, wearing a baseball cap, a red flannel, and some black jeans. I smile and make some room for him to cuddle up next to me.

" Elyse?" "Chris?" we say at the same time.

"You go first," I say, smiling. Chris sits next to me and takes a deep breath.

"Elyse. I want you to be mine and only mine," he says nonchalantly.

"I don't want to share you with anyone. No one can look at you the way I do or touch you the way I do. I know I said we would take things slow, but I want to be able to call you mine; I want you to be my girlfriend." He continues on rambling, and I cover his mouth with my hands, stopping him before he has a panic attack.

"Chris I would love to be your girlfriend. I was going to ask you the same thing along the lines of, What are we now? I tell him.

"Really?" He asks because he can't stop smiling.

Really, baby," I respond.

Mhmm, baby, I like that," he says, smirking, and I kiss his cheek before pulling back and looking into his eyes, holding his face.

"Chris, I want to kiss you." Before I can say anything else, he grabs me, places me on his lap, and I straddle him.

I trust Chris. After I told him I was a virgin and new to this, he said "Let's take this slow", Now I'm not so sure I want to take things slow.

Chris smiles, placing the loose hair back behind my ear. My heart is beating so fast, I can feel my face heat up. Before Chris goes in for the kiss, he cups my face and gives me tiny kisses on my right cheek and then my left cheek.

His lips are about to graze my lips, but his cap hits my forehead. I get impatient and grab it, taking it off and tossing it behind me as it lands in the snow.

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