Massachusetts Bound ✈️ 🌃

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📍March 2016

Elyse Pov

Tonight we are heading to Massachusetts. Massachusetts I smile as I repeat that word. My new home. I am so excited to leave LA and officially start over, even though I have no idea what it is I'm going to do just yet.

I spent the night with Dakota last night, and we caught up. I told her I was moving to Boston with Chris, and she was, although sad, over the moon.

She came over this morning to help me pack up a few things I wanted to ship over to Chris's home in Boston. I'm still not used to calling it our place just yet, and Chris keeps correcting me, which makes my heart flip every time.

We all sat around the kitchen counter and FaceTimed Sebastian, telling him the good news. I felt bad not having him in the loop, and I didn't want him to hear about it from someone else. He was looking forward to seeing my face around more since we will both be living on the East Coast now.

Dakota and I went shopping, and I bought an entirely new wardrobe to be delivered to our house in Boston. I still feel weird calling Chris's house mine, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

I decided to leave the things Haley brought back here in LA, just in case we were ever to come back for something. The papa took some pictures but left us alone.

I bought a few lounge clothes and the basic ones I would need. When we got home, Chris ordered us some lunch, and now we are sitting on the couch.

I called my team, and I parted ways with them. The only person I had left was Haley. I decided I would branch out later when my movie comes out, and we can table the conversation for later.

Scott headed to Steve's place, and he would meet us at the tarmac. Chris eventually got ready, and we headed for the airport. The traffic was a bitch. It started to rain. I look out the window as the raindrops calm me. I'm so thankful this is something we will leave behind. The driver asks us for a photo, which we give him, and soon we are getting on the plane. We both had a little carry-on with mostly clothes I bought so I could have a few options to wear before everything arrived in Boston.

Scott walks in not too long, and he is soaked as it's now pouring. The crew tells us it should be okay, and we will take off pretty soon.

I take my seat next to the window, and Chris is next to me. Scott also takes a seat two rows in front of us, giving me and Chris some privacy.

The flight attendant brings out some refreshments, and soon we are taking off. Chris takes my hand and kisses it, giving me a smile. I watch my breath fog up your window. I draw a smiley face on the window and smile. Like before, Chris somehow distracts himself while taking off, and we are soon in the sky... I look out the window and can see the view of Los Angeles. It looks so pretty at night as we walk over it, leaving it all behind. I smile and shut the window, grabbing a book I wanted to start reading, and Chris is ready with a script. I lay my head on his shoulder and started Chapter 1.

Third-person POV

"Elyse, I'm bored," Chris whines, closing his laptop and looking over at Elyse as she reads her book, while Scott is busy sleeping.

Elyse rolls her eyes and looks up from her book.

"We'll be there soon," she sighs, trying to find her place on the page.

He groans again, throwing his head back against the cushioned seat. Sighing, Elyse closes her book and looks around for something to do. With nothing around her, she thinks until she has an idea.

"Do you want to take a nap?" she asks, setting her book down on the small table in front of her.

"We still have three hours until we land. You'll be refreshed," she says, smiling brightly when he agrees.

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