Annual Camping Trip ⛺️🌊🐶🥾

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Elyse Pov

"Sweetheart, you need to get up... Good morning, baby. It's almost time to leave," I hear as I groan... I rub the sleep out of my eyes, and I see Chris sitting next to me on the bed, already dressed.

"What's happening?" I say a little groggy, as it's 4:45 a.m. Chris rubs my back a little, and then it hits me—the camping trip.

"Why don't you go ready, and I will make something for us to eat?" Chris says as he hugs me. I walk into the closet, grab my clothes, and head to the shower.

I'm in the kitchen finishing my oatmeal while Chris is packing up the car for this weekend trip. It's going to be a long drive, and Chris is worried we might hit traffic since it's St. Patrick's weekend.

Ma had texted, saying everyone just left about ten minutes ago.

I wash my dishes and head out after locking up and checking everything.

"Ready for the long drive?" Chris asks me as he takes my left hand in his right and brings it to his lips. He puts the location in the GPS. Bash Bish Falls is a 6-hour drive, depending on traffic.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I joked with him. As he pulls out of the driveway, the radio's Top 40 blares through the car.

Two hours into the road trip

So far everything has been good; we watched the sunrise, and the only thing annoying me now is the horrible rock music playing on the radio, so I did the only logical thing and grabbed the aux cord and plugged in my phone. I was so done listening to the same 10 songs that were being played over and over again.

"Time for the real jams, Christopher," I warned him playfully. His laugh echoed through the car as you turned on my 'Throwback' playlist on Spotify. His laugh only got louder and funnier as the first song played from the playlist—Ice Ice Baby—and I began to rap.

Three hours in

We just passed Springfield twenty minutes ago, and we still have a long way to go. Chris is now starting to get riled up with the traffic. We've been stuck in this line for a while now.

We are surrounded by trees and nothing but grass and dirt for as far as the eye can see. It's a two-way street, and the other side is not that busy. According to Google Maps, there is a truck stuck on the road as the truck's load has opened.

Chris lets out a high sigh, groaning. Chris has been moving in his seat for the past five minutes. He's so frustrated. He's wearing some black jeans and a long-sleeved white T-shirt with his necklace. He took off his green flannel an hour ago. He looks so yummy.

An idea pops into my head. I'm starting to get horny. I look around and notice we're going to be stuck here for about another thirty minutes at least.

I grab a hair tie and put my hair in a bun. I look over to Chris, and I pull him in for a kiss. He kisses me back, trying to pull away. I grab his chain and pull him in, earning a moan from him.

I trail my hand down his stomach to his jeans and begin to unbuckle his belt. I pressed the button to put the car in park.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing? He says he's pulling back.

"Just sit back and relax. Baby, also try to pay attention to traffic, baby," I say as I gently slide down his pants. He lifts a little to help.

"Elyse, you are going to be the death of me," he mumbles. I grab his dick, and Chris lets out a moan. His dick twitches in my hand as I pump up and down. I can see him harder under my touch as his veins are beginning to surface. Precum starts to build on his tip.

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