Nightmares 🏹 ❤️‍🩹

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Elyse pov

A few days have passed, and I could not be happier. Christmas came around, and Chris and I stayed bundled up on the couch, watching more movies and spending time with each other. He did surprise me with a beautiful golden paperclip bracelet with a small heart charm.

Claiming 'I stole his heart' I got a little sad since I didn't give him anything, and he told me he had everything he'd ever wanted with him right here, pointing at my heart. Which made me blush a lot.

That night we drove around the neighborhood, and Chris drove me into a neighborhood that went all out and would put on these special drive-through Christmas light shows, and it was just magical.

Today we are driving back home from the hospital. I had my post-op check-up today. Dr. Stone said everything looks good, and I don't have to worry about anything and can go back to my normal self, doing things I love.

On our way back to Chris's house, he asked if I was hungry, and we stopped in town at a cute little sandwich shop and enjoyed our lunch outside near a park. I told Chris how much I loved it here and how spending these two weeks with him has changed my world, and somehow I forgot all the awful things that have happened to me.

Thankfully, the only person who recognizes Chris is a little boy wanting a selfie with Captain America. I have to admit it was too adorable to watch Chris interact with his younger audience.

After lunch, we pulled into his house, and he told me he had a few calls and a meeting with Megan he needed to attend, and then he was all mine for the rest of the day. I nodded and sent him on his way to the office, and I installed myself on the couch with one of the books on Chris's bookshelf.

Chris Pov

Once I finish the meetings with my team, I walk outside and notice Elyse is sleeping in a comfortable position on the couch with a book on her chest. I grab a blanket and cover her, and I take the book and place it on the coffee table, remembering her page number in case she would like to continue the book later on. I then noticed the time and decided to get a quick workout in before dinner.


I just came out of my room, freshly showered, and I see Elyse in the kitchen, lost in thought. I accidentally scare her, and she jumps.

"Sorry, it's just me. I didn't mean to scare you, honey," I say as I kiss her head, and she just hums.

"I made some dinner while you were working out. Would you like me to plate you some? She asks me, taking me by surprise.

"Yeah, I'd love that. I take a seat and notice she doesn't grab a plate, and she is not herself. For some reason, she is quieter and more in her head tonight.

"Are you not going to eat? I ask as she hands me my plate.

"Actually, I was going to call it a night... I don't really feel well. I have this huge headache. Sorry," she responds, drinking her water.

"That's okay," I say, not really knowing what else to say back to her and continuing to eat. She hugs my back, kisses my hair, and tells me to have a good night as she walks towards her room. I look at the time, and it's 7:30 p.m. I try not to think too much about it and finish my dinner.

After cleaning up, I also decided to call it a night and head to my room to read some new scripts Megan sent over this afternoon.

I don't know how long it's been, but I can hear some whimpering, and I realize it is Elyse. It is much later now in the night, around 10:45. I get out of bed and walk towards her room, and I see her shaking and whimpering with a pained look on her face.

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