After party shenanigans 🍾

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Elyse Pov

Right now, Haley is leading me towards the after-party... I really didn't want to attend this, either. All I wanted was to go back into bed with my heating pad and pretend this day never happened. Today has been so humiliating. At least Chris made a joke about the red carpet incident. I noticed Chris has this easy charm about him. He makes everything ten times better.

Haley is taking me through the other entrance to avoid more photo ops in the line to enter the party. I can't believe Chris bought me pads, and surprisingly, the muscle patches worked great.

I guess the media outlets don't lie when they call him the "golden boy". He handled the situation with such care and even made the audience laugh, so tomorrow's headlines wouldn't be so bad.

I was too caught up in my period problems to even get a good look at Chris. He's even more handsome in real life, if that's possible. His light blue eyes made me get lost in them. I just hope I didn't make a fool out of myself in front of him. God, he must think this is so pathetic. I was so wrong for calling him out in the past for being cocky and rude.


I make my way over to the bar. I needed a drink. I ordered two shots of straight tequila. I throw them back. I ordered water... I thank the bartender.

I feel a hand on my lower back. I spin so fast and see it's only Sebby. I give him the biggest hug.

"I missed you so much, Seb," I yell.

"I missed you too, Elyse; are you okay? Haley told me what happened! Do you need anything? He asks me

"No,  Chris handled it." I tell him as he orders a drink.

"Chris? Really, he did. That's amazing. I told you not to worry; he's a good person," he says, taking a sip of his drink. I smile and nod.

"The both of you knocked it out of the park on stage," he says as Anthony Mackie makes his way over to us.

"Sebastian Stan, is that you?" I hear, "And if it isn't the one and only Elyse," and he smiles as he clearly had a few more drinks than us.

"Elyse, meet Anthony. Mackie, meet Elyse," Seb says.

"It's nice to meet you, Mackie," I say as he goes to kiss my hand. I let out a little giggle as the alcohol buzzed through me.

Anthony and Seb start talking about how apparently they need to get drunk with Chris tonight . I smile and laugh at their interactions. We fall into a conversation about how much of a lightweight Sebastian is and how well I did tonight.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chris walking towards us. I make eye contact and smile. I really pay attention to detail now; I was too stressed about presenting earlier. He is wearing a black tux, a white dress shirt, and a bow tie; his hair is slicked back almost completely, and his beard is trimmed. He looks so handsome. I meet his gaze, and he stands next to Mackie.

"Captain America finally decides to join us, I see." Seb teases...

"Yeah, yeah, guys," he says as he's now also ordering a beer. I smile at him, and he smiles back.

We all fall into an easy conversation about upcoming projects. They make me feel so comfortable, it's like I almost forget we're at the Oscars. I look around us, and everyone is so glammed up and talking about this and that, trying to get in someone's pants tonight, it seems.

Mackie and Sebby soon leave me and Chris alone as they spot another one of their friends across the room. They both pat Chris's back and keep giggling. I think nothing of it, as they are both out of it at this point. Sebby made me promise I would say goodbye before walking out.

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