Try to explain this to the Receptionist!🫦🧊🛏

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Elyse Pov

We are in the car, turning the corner towards the red carpet. I am so nervous that my hands are sweaty. I have a tight grip on Chris's hand as he is rubbing his thumb on the back of my hand.

Meghan is sitting in the passenger seat.

"Relax, baby; everything is going to be just fine," Chris says, kissing my hand.

"Don't worry, Elyse, I'm here tonight, and I won't let anything bad happen to the two of you anyway. It's my job to keep you guys safe," I hear Megan say, smiling.

I nod and give her a smile. I look over at Chris and just take a deep breath and kiss him.

He is wearing a black suit with a blue tie that matches my blue dress. I'm wearing a crisscross mermaid gown. It has a long, open back, and my hair is styled to one side.

I grab water from the side and start drinking as we approach the premiere.

This will be our first time walking the carpet together as a couple since I walked out, and we can't even avoid the cameras today.

We park, Meghan and Chris get out, and Chris waves to the fans. He runs over to my door and opens it.

He grabs the tail of my dress and helps me down.

The car moves forward, pushing traffic, and it's a madhouse. People are screaming everywhere. I wave, and Meghan pulls us down the carpet.

Chris and I are next, and behind us, Scarlett pulls in with Jeremy Renner. They come up to us, and we hug.

Meghan pulls Chris along with me on the carpet.








I can feel my heartbeat in my feet as the photographers are yelling at us and the bright lights aren't helping.

I am getting super anxious, but I feel Chris's hand on my waist, squeezing me to bring me back. My eyes are watering so much from all the lights. I pull back behind Chris and wipe them down.

Chris pulls me aside, and I tell him I'm done with the photos. He understands and kisses my cheek. He goes back out, and I stand with Meghan on the side.

She rubs my arms, as this is too much. I'm starting to get nervous about my own premiere. If I can't handle this, how am I going to handle my own premiere?

I spot Sebastian and Anthony pulling in, and the crowd gets even crazier. Chris thankfully walks back towards me and tells me he's done with all the questionnaires and we can go wait in the green room or he can guide me to the theater to watch the film.

I take him up on the first offer and smile. Meghan leads us inside, and there are fans waiting on the side of the theater. I tell Chris to go sign a few things as he keeps looking back.

I wait inside the theater, and he runs back in, smiling. We make it into the green room, where the cast hangs out before going on stage to introduce their movie.

I grab a glass of champagne and shove it down my throat for some relief. And soon Scarlett walks in with Elizabeth Olsen, and I hug them both.

Chris introduces me to Elizabeth, and we click. We fall into a conversation, and we make a plan to hang out tomorrow and maybe go shopping. Hopefully, Chris doesn't mind, as we were supposed to have a day off. I just hope he didn't plan anything.

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