Winning The Giveaway

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I was very anxious due to my board exams because this was my first and last experience of board exam. When we were in standard 10th due to Covid pandemic we couldn't give our board exams so we all were very anxious. We all had revisions and several tests going on and everyone was busy completing their practicals and project work.

I was also busy, just school to home , tution and then project works, practicals and assignments. I took just 1 hour break and played ZEPETO or listened to BTS songs everyday. Then I came to know that the results of giveaway will be released in five days, yet I was not that excited because I knew that I was not going to win anyway. But I always envied all those who won the giveaway and went to concerts.

Five days passed very quickly because I was busy with my school work. The fifth day when I was done with my school and tution, I headed to my phone to watch the results of the giveaway and when I saw it there were five people who won the giveaway. When I saw my name there I was completely shocked and speechless. Then I checked my notification box.

OMG............I couldn't believe I won the giveaway!!! It was such a surprise. I always did the giveaways but I never won and even never expected to win. Then I checked my Email box and there were the dates and the address of the concert mentioned. I thought I was dreaming! I pinched myself and I found that I was not dreaming.

And most important thing that..........the date was exactly after I week of my board exam. Means that I can freely prepare for my exams and then enjoy the concert also.

It was a dream come true for me, and I was also allowed to take one of my friend with me so I chose my best friend Kriti. She was also a big fan of BTS and her bias was Taehyung. I was soo excited that I thought to call her but then I thought that I will surprise her. So I went to my bed for sleep but I couldn't sleep. 

I kicked my legs in the air and was rolling helplessly around my bed here and there, after several hours of doing all this, I slept

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I kicked my legs in the air and was rolling helplessly around my bed here and there, after several hours of doing all this, I slept.

(Time skip to morning)

I was ready for my school and also kept my phone in my bag so that could show it to Kriti. Phones were not allowed in our school so I kept my phone in silent mode and placed it on the secret chain of my bag. then I headed for the bus stop.

I was so excited that I couldn't wait to show to my friend. As soon as I reached the school I pulled her in the last seat and she was just staring at me dumdfounded.

Kriti :Hey y/n what's wrong with you, why did you bring me here.

Y/n: I want to tell you something.

Kriti: What is it?

Y/n: Actually I won the giveaway in ZEPETO for BTS concert.

Kriti: Seriously, don't joke with me y/n, you have done the giveaway several times but you never won.

Y/n: But I won it this time.

Kriti: You're joking right, how can you win it out of so many people.

Y/n: I am not joking Kriti, I really won this time.

Kriti: If so then prove it to me.

Y/n: (I knew she would not believe this if I would tell her that's why I brought my phone to prove her)Come here , I'll show you.

(As soon as I started her showing the notification, the email message and the date and address. Her eyes got widened with every passing second)

Kriti: OMG Y/N!!! You won it this time, you're so lucky.

Y/n:See I told you I'm not joking this time.

Kriti: But this means that you will only go alone then why are you showing it to me.

Y/n: No kriti I will not go alone.

Kriti: Then who will you go with?

Y/n: You.

Kriti: Really, but will they allow me to go with you.

Y/n: Actually I have been allowed to take one person along with me so I thought to choose you.

Kriti: OMG.......really, thank you so much y/n 'I Love You'

(She hugged me tightly)

Y/n:Aish....stop it you're choking me (I said half smiling and half annoyed).

Kriti: Hehe sorry. but I am really happy y/n. We can go and fulfill our wish together. But when are we going, I mean it is not going to affect our exams right?

Y/n: Absolutely not, the date is after our finals.

Kriti: Then it's fine we can go freely without any tension. OMG I can't believe it's true.

Y/n:Me too, it will be so much fun.

(We hugged each other happily)

(We hugged each other happily)

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TO BE CONTINUED..............

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