My Promotion And A New Employee

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(In the morning)

I did my morning routine and spent some time with Jungkook and then took my important documents and left for office.

(Time skip to office)

As soon as I reached the office I quickly went to boss cabin and greeted be honest I was a little afraid but still I greeted him.

Y/n: Good morning sir.(I said slightly bowing)

Boss: Good morning Y/n................I was waiting for you only......................come and sit. And have you brought what I told you.

Y/n: Yes sir I have them but why suddenly do you need this....................I mean have I made a mistake.

Boss: Absolutely not Y/n(He said smiling) I have observed that you have working diligently and sincerely for these 2 years so I thought about it a lot and decided to promote you.

Y/n: What? Really sir!(I asked not believing his words)

Boss: Yes...............and now you will be the incharge of will have to check and finalise everything before the publishing of any artwork.

Y/n: Thank you so much for your kindness sir.

Boss: No need to thank's all because of your hardwork.

Y/n: Thank you sir..............I promise I won't let you down.

Boss: you may leave.

Y/n: Thank you sir.(I bowed and left)

When I came out of the cabin I squeaked with happiness............I couldn't believe I got promoted. My other employees came and congratulated me and I thanked them. They wanted a treat so I decided to take them to a restaurant. I called Jungkook and informed him that I will be late. After that I treated them to dinner and left.

Jungkook POV:

It was almost time for Y/n to come home and I was waiting for her but instead I got a call her and she told me that she will have dinner with her employees. So I just had my dinner and I decided to play video games. After almost 1 and a half hour I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was Y/n. I went and opened the door.

Y/n: Kookieeeeee!!!

(She squealed and jumped upon me and put her hands on my neck and hugged me. I hugged her back )

Kookie: Aish!!(I said chuckling) Why are you so happy.

Y/n: Guess what? I got a promotion.(She said happily still hanging onto me)

Kookie: Woah that's great............congrats my little artist.(I lifted her up and spun her around and she giggled cutely. After that I pecked her lips)

Y/n: (She blushed and looked down)

Kookie: someone blushing.

Y/n: Kookie put me down.

After that Y/n went to take a shower and we cuddled and slept because Y/n was tired.


(The next day in the office)

The boss called me to his cabin.

Y/n: Good morning Sir.

Boss: Morning Y/n.

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