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I quickly came out of Jungkook's house and headed to university. I couldn't believe that I went to the great Jeon Jungkook's house yesterday, eeekkkkkk I couldn't control myself from smiling hard and I also saw his room and slept overnight in his house. He was so caring, much better that I thought.......he was perfect in real life as well as in front of cameras. In cameras he would be a perfect and sexy dancer and in real life he is such a caring gentlemen. I was thinking all these when I got Kriti's call.

Kriti: Hey y/n where are you and why didn't you came home yesterday.

Y/n: Sorry I had too much work so I dozed off while working.

Kriti: Have you had breakfast?

Y/n: Yes I was just coming out of the convenience store after having breakfast. Now I am heading to university, you should go too, ok bye.

Kriti: Bye

I kept my phone and quickly headed to university and started my work. After I was done with my work I headed to the canteen to have lunch. Then I got Jungkook's call.

Jungkook: Hii y/n, what are you doing?

Y/n: I was just having lunch, what about you?

Jungkook: I am getting bored alone here.

Y/n: You could call Jimin-ssi also there.

Jungkook: No y/n, I don't want to disturb Jimin hyung, you already know that we get less chance to meet our parents so let him enjoy with his parents.

Y/n: Yes you're right, but now what will you do.

Jungkook: I wish you could be here with me. It was so much fun with you yesterday, it was like I found a long lost companion.

Y/n:(I blushed) I wish I could be there but it's not possible to be at your house everyday. Otherwise my friend will suspect me.

Jungkook: Yes that's also right.

And we talked like this everyday and after almost five months we were like best friends. Although his holiday was over he always finds time to talk with me. But I was a little sad because after learning so much I was not able to succeed much in my graphic designing career.

Jungkook POV

Now we both had completed almost five months of talking. Although my holiday was over I always talked to y/n at night and she would be very happy. But from one month I noticed that she was not very happy, she had a sadness in her voice. She was not happy as usual. Is something wrong with her? Is she getting bored talking to me? I decided to invite her out and ask her the reason. I couldn't invite her to my house because Jimin hyung was also there.

TO BE CONTINUED...............




AUTHOR OUT................

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