His Comfort

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I just got up from sleep and went to do my morning routine and quickly headed to university. I had a very hectic month because of not much success in my carrer. I mostly stayed overtime this month, I rarely replied to Jungkook's text or calls. Kriti was also concerned about me, she asked my many times but I didn't tell her anything as I didn't want anyone to worry about me, and she was continously succeeding in her dancing career so I didn't want to make her sad. I also started to ignore my mom's call as I didn't want to tell her about my condition. One day I was coming back from university and I was so tensed that I stayed at my favourite place.

 One day I was coming back from university and I  was so tensed that I stayed at my favourite place

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 It was a park and there were not so many people there often. It was an old park and it was almost empty always that's why I liked it. I went there and stared at the stars. I thought about my condition and burst into tears. I put my phone on silent so that nothing could disturb me.

Jungkook POV

I was worried about y/n as she was not answering to any of my calls or texts from ten days. Is she busy? But whatever happens she replies to my texts everyday even if at midnight but now she completely stopped seeing my messages and calls. I wanted to meet her and ask her what's wrong with her as I was concerned about her. I decided to search her at her favourite park. We sometimes used to hangout there at night. I took my jacket, mask,hat and glasses and rushed to the park.

As soon as I  reached near the park I heard sounds of sobbing and when I went close it  was y/n

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As soon as I reached near the park I heard sounds of sobbing and when I went close it was y/n. Oh my.......what happened to her? Why is she crying. I went to her and sat besides her.

Jungkook: Y/n...

Y/n: J-Jungkook, why are you here?(She said sniffing and looking at me with red nose and puffy eyes)

Jungkook: Hey why are you crying.........what happened to you, you also started ignoring my calls and texts. I knew something was wrong so I thought to check here.

Y/n: N-no nothing is wrong(She said wiping her tears and giving a forced smile).

Jungkook: No y/n, something is wrong, we have been talking for almost six months and now I know you very well. I know something is wrong, you can tell me. Do you want to stop talking to me because you don't feel like-

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