Ignoring Eunwoo

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I woke up with a heavy headache and groaned, Kriti heard it and came to me.

Kriti: Y/n are you okay now.

Y/n: What happened last night?

Kriti: Did you not remember anything.

Y/n: No as far as I remember I had red wine and then I don't remember anything.

Kriti: Eunwoo made you drunk.

Y/n: What!.....how can he, he's my friend. And you know I have a low alcohol tolerance

Kriti: Yes I know but not this much low. Look Y/n.....................I am warning you please stay away from Eunwoo. His intentions are not good.

Y/n: Okay if you say so I will not go for meals with him. But I have to atleast talk to him at office for work.

Kriti: Okay but try to stay away from him as much as possible.

Y/n: Okay I will. But please don't tell anything to Jungkook.

Kriti: I won't but only if you stay away from him.

Y/n: Yeah I promise.

Kriti: Okay now get up and have breakfast.

Y/n: But my work.

Kriti: Stupid......today is Sunday. Get up and be ready...............we will enjoy today.

Y/n: Okay.

I got up and then we had breakfast. After that I took a shower and got ready

 After that I took a shower and got ready

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We decided to go for shopping........................we brought some dresses and after that we went to BTS shop and brought all newly released solo albums of the members. Then we had lunch and went to amusement park......................we had so much fun there. And as soon as we reached home I got a call from Jungkook.

Kriti: Looks like oppa is missing you. Go talk to him till then I'll order pizza.

Y/n: Okay.

(On The Phone)

"Hii Kookie",

"Hey Y/n...............how are you",

"I'm fine........what about you?",

"I'm also fine",

"Are you having fun there",

"Of course..............I just finished the recording of song today",

"Wow that's great.............that means from tomorrow you'll start shooting right",


"Ahh!................I envy you.............you are going to meet Han-Sohee",

"Don't worry........................during break I will videocall you and then you can meet her" He said laughing,

"Really...............aww thank you so much. And...........are you having your meals on time",

"Yes...........don't worry about me. And are you taking care of yourself",

"Yes............I and Kriti went out and had so much fun today and now we are planning to watch a movie together",

"Okay then go have fun...........enjoy your girls nightout",

"Hmm, you should also take rest",

"I will.......bye love you",

"Love you too",

I hung up and changed into pajamas and went to Kriti and then we watched a movie and then slept.

*The next day*

I went to the office and went straight to my cabin cause I didn't want to face Eunwoo. I started working thinking that he will not come but during lunch time he came.

Eunwoo: Hii Y/n............wanna have lunch together.

Y/n: No Eunwoo I am busy................I will have lunch later.

Eunwoo: But shouldn't you eat something first.

Y/n: I will eat later Eunwoo.............please.....you should go have lunch.

Eunwoo: Uh.........okay.

After that he left. Then I started ignoring him continously............I mostly had lunch alone or sometimes with my other employees or sometimes I went out earlier than Eunwoo so that he cannot approach me. Almost 15 days went like this..............one day when I was about to go home then Eunwoo held my hand.

Y/n: What happened Eunwoo.........leave my hand.

Eunwoo: Y/n...........are you ignoring me................why? Did I do something.

Y/n: No it's nothing like that........it's just that I am busy nowadays.

Eunwoo: Busy ignoring me. Are you angry at me about that day..........Y/n I was just trying to help you.

Y/n: I know but I think we should know our boundaries as friends.

Eunwoo: But can't we have meals together as friends.

Y/n: It's not necessary to have meals together everyday. We can be friends without that also.

After that I left and he just stared at me.


Damn...............that was rude..............why the h*ll is she ignoring me. It must be because of that Kriti. She must have told Y/n to stay away from me. But don't worry Y/n...............some or the other day I'll get you.......just wait




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