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I felt something wrong when I left from Jungkook's house, looks like Jimin-ssi was not accepting me. But he is also right in his own way................what will they say to their fans if they found out about me. Maybe I should stop talking to Jungkook, it's for his own career. He can't put his career on risk because of me, tears flowed down my eyes thinking of all this. Kriti saw this and went to me.

Kriti: What happened Y/n............why are you crying.

Y/n: I told you everything right...............what should I do now? I think I should leave him.

Kriti: Don't be mad Y/n...............if he really considers you as your bestie he will not do anything like this.

Y/n: But Kriti I don't want him to be in danger because of me.

Kriti: That's because you're concerned about him. But if he really cares for you he will struggle all of this.

Y/n: But I don't to be in trouble.

Kriti: Why don't you call him and ask him directly.

Y/n: I can't talk about this on phone, I will call him to the park now.

Kriti: But now it's 10:00 p.m.

Y/n: He sleeps after 11:00 he must me awake.

Kriti: Okay then.

I decided to call Jungkook

(Oh The Phone)

"Heyy Y/n..............why did you call at this time", He said smiling

"Sorry for disturbing you at this time, are you free now",

"Yes what happened",

"Can you come to our usual place now, I have something to talk about",

"Okay wait I will come", He said being serious

" you have any schedules tomorrow?",

"No relax...............tomorrow is our day off",

"Okay then............I will also reach there in 15 minutes"

I hung up the call.

Jungkook POV:

After Y/n called I was wondering what she wants to talk about at late night...............I guess it's something serious. I informed Jimin hyung and disguised myself and rushed to the park. I saw Y/n there sitting and waiting for me.

Jungkook: Why did you call me at this time.(I said sitting beside her)

Y/n: Umm..............actually Jungkook..........I..............thought about it a lot and I think that...........we.....we should............stop talking.

Jungkook: Y/n do you even know what are you saying.(I said being restless)

Y/n: I know it's difficult.......but in the future our bond will grow stronger and it will be more difficult for us to leave each other.

Jungkook: But why do we need to leave each other.

Y/n: When Jimin-ssi mentioned about what will you say to your fans about me, then I realized that I am risking your career.

Jungkook: But we told you that we will manage right.

Y/n: But what if you will be in trouble because of me..........I won't be able to control myself.(She said with a tear escaping from her eye)

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