Lunch With Eunwoo

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*1 Months later*

After Hobi oppa's enlistment Jungkook was sad so I had took one week leave from office for comforting him and now that my leave was over I had to go back to work. I was getting ready and Jungkook was making breakfast. I went downstairs and he was serving the breakfast. I was not that hungry so I just had fried eggs with sausage and had a cup of coffee. After breakfast I was about to go for work when Jungkook backhugged me.

Jungkook: Y/n do you really need to go.(He said burying his face in the crook of my neck)

Y/n: Yes Kookie................I just got promotion so I can't take much holidays.

Jungkook: No I won't let you go..............can't you work from home.

Y/n: No Kookie now I have to look after everyone so I can't work at home.

Jungkook: Okay fineee(He said whining) But promise me you will cuddle and watch movie with me when you come back.

Y/n: Deal.

Jungkook: Okay then go............bye be careful.

Y/n: (He was still not smiling so I pecked his cheek and he automatically smiled)

Jungkook: You always know how to make me smile.

Y/n: I must know..............okay bye Kookie.

*Time skip in the office*(Because author is lazy 😅)

I was finalising files from all employees when someone knocked outside.

Y/n: Come in.(I said still focusing on work)

Eunwoo: Good morning Y/n.(He said entering and smiling)

Y/n: Good morning Eunwoo.(I smiled back)

Eunwoo: Are you busy, I need some suggestions from you.

Y/n: I am busy but come let me help you.

Eunwoo: Thanks.

After that I helped him and then continued my work.

(During lunch break)

I just came out of my cabin to have lunch then Eunwoo approached me.

Eunwoo: Hey Y/n..............are you going for lunch too.

Y/n: Yes.

Eunwoo: Then let's go together................I know a very delicious tteokbokki restaurant.

Y/n: Uhh............but.

Eunwoo: Y/n we're friends right............can't we have lunch together.

Y/n: Well.......okay then let's go.

We both had lunch together with lots of fun and chat.................he seems to be a nice guy.


You need to like me first right Y/n....................I need to be decent.......Ahh!.........but those juicy lips are so tempting.......but I should control myself. But remember I will surely eat you someday..................just some months and then we will be together enjoying in one bed baby.........................till then enjoy with your Idol boyfriend.


*After work*

I got home and took a shower and changed into comfy clothes and when I went to the hall Kookie was already sitting on the couch with snacks...............I went and sat beside him.

Jungkook: Y/n you came...............come on now let's watch the movie. I was not in a mood to cook so I ordered BBQ chicken and made some rameyon and popcorn and snacks are already here.

Y/n: You don't need to always cook, I will cook for you.

Jungkook: But I am free nowadays so I just cook for my cutie.

Y/n: Aish! Okay okay.(I said smiling)

(He started the movie and I was fully focused onto it. After some minutes he was continously staring at me)

Y/n: What now?

Jungkook: My cuddles.(He said spreading his arms and whining)

Y/n: (I smiled and got into his embrace and he spread his muscular arms around me. much I love and feel secured in his arms)

After that we completed the movie and slept in each other's embrace.

TO BE CONTINUED..................................



AUTHOR OUT.......................................

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