The Truth

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I was sitting in the bed thinking about Jungkook...............will I be ever get to meet him again?.......................Will he find me in the right time or will it be too late. My mind was filled up with negative thoughts and I couldn't stop it. It has been 1 week since I am locked up here and there's nobody's sign of saving me.

When I was thinking all of this suddenly Soobin entered. I quickly averted my gaze from him.

Soobin: Ignoring me huh............interesting.(He said chuckling)

I still didn't answer but when he came and sat beside me I squealed and moved away from him.

Soobin: Why are you running from me kitty, come to your master.

He was about to hold my hand and I tried to run but he was fast enough and he held me and layed me on the bed hovering upon me.

Y/n: What are you doing...............go away.(I struggled to get out from his grip)

Soobin: No way kitten...............let me at least taste you.(He brought his lips closer to mine)

Y/n: (I quickly tilted my face and said) Why are you doing this to me Soobin...............what have I done wrong.(I said with teary eyes)

Soobin: Why am I..................I AM TAKING REVENGE OF THAT SLAP YOU GAVE ME!!!(He shouted and slightly choked my neck)

Y/n: Soobin(I tried to get my breath)

Soobin: I will teach you a good lesson..................I still remember how you insulted me infront of whole college. (He said tightening his grip)



It was almost the end of the final year of college and everybody was busy with their assignments. Y/n avoided Soobin after that incident and she was studying in the library with her classmates.

(You can go back to the chapter "Soobin?" to recall what happened)

After some hours she was heading back when Soobin stopped her way.

Soobin: Y/n..............I want to tell you something.

Y/n: I don't want to talk to you Soobin...................move aside.(I tried to go but he held my wrist)

Soobin: Y/n please..............listen to me once.

Y/n: Soobin please..............leave me.(She forcibly freed her hand and was about to go)

Soobin: I love you Y/n.(Soobin loudly said and many of the students started gathering there)

She never liked to be the center of attention..............this was so annoying for her.

Y/n: But I don't love you.

Soobin: Y/n................I know I did a mistake but can you please forgive me Y/n.(He said pleading)

Y/n: I never knew you were that type of guy..............until I saw you that day.

Soobin: I will change for you.............I will never roam around any girl.

Y/n: I'm sorry but please let me go now.

Soobin: Is it because of Eunwoo.

Y/n: What!..................I don't even know him personally.................why will I refuse because of him.

Soobin: Then why can't you love me.(He backhugged her)

Many of the students started taking videos and photos.............she just wanted to get out of this and rush back home.

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