Going Out With Her Family

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Jungkook POV:

I woke up in early evening and saw Y/n talking with her mom and then when I came to hall Y/n's mom noticed me and said.

Y/n's mom: Oh Jungkook you're up, did you rest well.

Jungkook: Yes aunty I feel much relaxed now.

Y/n's mom: Ohh then that's good, by the way I was talking with Y/n to show you our surroundings. Will that be okay?

Jungkook: Of course aunty, I would love to know India more. As Y/n is from India and we have to get married in future so I must know about her country.

Y/n: Kookie what are you saying.(She said blushing)

Y/n's mom: No honey he is right. He had said this short and important thing, that means he really loves you. I'm impressed by you.

Jungkook: Thanks aunty, I just hope that uncle also accepts me.

Y/n's mom: He will, don't worry. He just wants her daughter's life partner to be perfect.

Y/n: And I am sure he will accept you.

We talked for a while and then Y/n took me out to show her surroundings. I put on a mask so that nobody could recognise me. We were roaming the park while talking then I saw some kids coming to Y/n.

The kids: Y/n didi..............you're back.

(A/n: Didi is an Indian word which is used for calling elder sister)

Y/n: Yes I'm back. How are you all?(She asked caressing their cheeks)

Kids: How was Korea, did you enjoy living there?

Y/n: Yes I enjoyed it so much.

Kids: We missed you so much.........we missed the times when you came to walk in evening and played with us.

Y/n: Aww.........I miss you too.

Kids: We heard that you're a comic artist. We read some of your comics and they were awesome.

Y/n: Wow really..........you read my comics.

After that the children's mother also came.

Y/n: Namaste aunty.

Aunty: Bless you child...........how is your life going in Korea.

Y/n: It's good aunty. At first it was a bit difficult but now I have my own apartment so I am comfortable there now.

Aunty: Wow....you bought your own apartment in Korea. You really make us proud.

Y/n: Thanks aunty.

Then they noticed me.

Aunty: And who is this boy next to you and why is he wearing a mask.

Y/n: Aunty you must have heard that I am an Idol's girlfriend.

Aunty: Yes your mother told us and we saw his photo also. He is very handsome.

Y/n: (She signalled me to open my mask)

Jungkook: (I opened my mask and all the aunty's gasped) Namaste aunty.(I touched their feets)

Aunty: Oh my god............you're Y/n's Idol boyfriend. You're really talented to have achieved so many things in such an young age. Our kids are also very big fan of yours.

As soon as the kids saw me they came running towards.

Kids: Oh my god Jungkook oppa is here.(They came and I bent down and they all hugged me) We can't believe you're here in India. We're very big fan of yours. Can we get your autographs.

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