Emotional Reunion

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Y/n POV:

I reached Korea and I was on my way to our dorm then I noticed something. I was standing in the same spot where Jungkook was crying while I was going 2 years ago. My eyes got teary remembering it but I quickly wiped it away and went to the cab.

I reached the dorm and Kriti was surprised seeing me.........she came to me and jumped me and hugged me.

Kriti: Y/nnn!!! (She sreamed) You came after such a long time. I missed you so much.

Y/n: I missed you too.

Kriti: You came after such a long time.

Y/n: Yes.

Kriti: Have you came here for Jungkook.

Y/n: Kind of.

Kriti: What!.......That means you will meet him.

Y/n: No I will just see him.

Kriti: But how can you see him when you will not meet him.

Y/n: I will attend his recent concert and then I will head back.

Kriti: You are not gonna stay for long?

Y/n: No I just came to see him.

Kriti: But Y/n he still loves you and misses you him. Didn't you hear the song I sent............he himself told it.

Y/n: I know everything...........but I am afraid to face him. I left him and I feel guilty.

Kriti: But you left him for his own good. You left us.............all of us and struggled alone.(She said with tears in her eyes)

Y/n: Heyy Kriti don't cry.(I said wiping her tears and hugged) Maybe I am not perfect for him. That's why his fans didn't accept me.

Kriti: Then if the fans didn't realise their mistake then why did they accept me and Tae.

Y/n: Because you are good enough for him.

Kriti: Stop talking nonsense or I will smack your head. Who told you are not good for him.(She said glaring at me)

Y/n: I just think.

Kriti: No you're good enough for him, don't think low of yourself.

Y/n: But Kriti I am not ready to face Jungkook now.

Kriti: Okay I won't force you but I won't be able to attend the concert tomorrow.

Y/n: But why?

Kriti: Our group's first debut is close and we have to practice for it.

Y/n: Okay then I will go alone.

We then had dinner and chatted a lot before going out. We missed each other so much and I also talked a lot with her. I felt much better. Then we slept after sometime.

(In the morning)

I had weekend so I slept till late and Kriti made breakfast and left early for breakfast. I was in home till afternoon and then after sometime I got ready for the concert.

My outfit

My outfit

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