The Return Of Billboard Number 1 Singer

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Jungkook's song "Seven" was released and the MV was really good, I and Kriti were crazily fangirling about it. I know that I am Jungkook's girlfriend but how can you not freak out after your idol's new song release!!! We were continously voting for his song on Billboard and today was the day when the results were about to come. We knew that definitely he will win but still we were tensed. We were watching the live voting and then it was time for the announcement. I and Kriti had our eyes tightly closed and fingers crossed. And when Jungkook's name was announced we both hugged each other and Jumped with excitement. I wanted to call and congratulate him but he must be at the show so I decided to call after sometime.

(After 2 hours)

I just finished getting ready for office and then called Jungkook

"Heyy" He said cheerfully,

"Kookieeeeeeeee congratulationsssss I am soooo proud of youuuuuu"

"Oww!!! My ears.........Y/n slow down" He said laughing,

"Ohh I'm so sorry.........but really I am soo happy for you. All your hardwork payed off. You're the best",

"Thanks cutie.......*achooo*",

"Did you get a cold",

"'s just I had to make up rain scene for the shooting and it went for a long time so I was all soaked and.....",

"I told you to take care of yourself",

"I did",

"And when are you coming back",

"I just have to do a few live concerts for this probably after 1 week",

"Okay.............I will cure you after you come",

"Don't worry about me................take care of yourself",

"You should also take rest. You have worked hard. I have to also head for office...................bye love you",

"Did I's the first time you have took the chance to say I love you",

"Uhh............I..........I was just................okay bye take care",

Then I hung up.................damn what did I do................I think I couldn't stop myself from falling for him more everyday.

(1 week later)

Jungkook POV:

Finally I am about to reach Korea.............I really miss my hyungs and Y/n. I can't wait to hug her and tell her how much I miss her. There was so much crowd in the airport and all the army's were congratulating me. I thanked and bowed to them and left after some minutes. I was about to reach my apartment but then there was traffic jam. While I was sitting in the car my eyes fell to the convenience store beside me and I saw a woman similar to Y/n. She turned around and it really was Y/n..............she was smiling and talking with a guy and she also put her hand on his shoulder. Who is this guy..................maybe I shouldn't reach to conclusions, I will just ask Y/n.


Jungkook was returning today so I was thinking to surprise him. I thought to keep a party in Jungkook's apartment.I called all the oppas except Hobi and Jin oppa because they all were in the military.And of course Kriti was also there. Yoongi oppa was helping me prepare the food and all other members were decorating the house. Jimin oppa was thinking to bring some snacks but I offered to go instead because I also had to buy a surprise for him. I took all the items and was about to go home when I ran into Eunwoo.

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