Meeting Her Parents

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After Jungkook introduced me officially to all the Armys my instagram followers started increasing rapidly and some of the Armys also praised my comics and painting. And now we were sitting in the flight waiting to arrive Mumbai. I could feel that Jungkook was nervous so I was trying to reassure him. My father also came back home for a while to meet Jungkook.

Jungkook: Y/n............will your parents like me.

Y/n: Of course............why are you being nervous. You are the great Jeon Jungkook who achieved so much in such an young age.

Jungkook: But all this will be nothing if your parents will not approve.

Y/n: They will definitely approve. I just need to remind them how great you are.

Jungkook: But still Y/n.

Y/n:(I held his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze) Don't worry are the person I liked for so long even if you were not knowing me that time. I know how great you are and my parents will definitely approve. My mother will happily agree but my father will be little troublesome but if you behave nicely he will also agree.

Jungkook:(He held my hand back) I hope so.

Y/n: And one more thing, there is a different way to greet elders in India. We bow and touch their feet and take their blessings. If you will greet them like this they will be very happy.

Jungkook: Ok as you say.

Jungkook POV:

After 10 minutes we reached the airport and took a taxi and went home. We reached home and Y/n's mother opened the door.

Y/n's Mom: Aigoo my Y/ missed you soo much.(She said hugging her and then noticed me) You're Jungkook right..........Y/n's favourite idol.

Jungkook: Yes.........namaste Aunty.(I bowed and touched her feet)

Y/n's Mom: (She said with a big smile on her face) Bless you my child(She stroked my hair lovingly) Come inside, you both must be tired.

We both went inside and sat on the couch and Y/n's mom brought us water. After sometime his father came.

Y/n: Papa!!!(She jumped and hugged him. I also stood up)

Y/n's Dad: (He then noticed and came towards me) Jungkook right.

Jungkook: Yes............namaste uncle.(I bowed and touched his feet)

Y/n's Dad: Bless you(He said with a straight face) You must be tired right. Go and have a shower and then let's have lunch together. Y/n show him the guest room.

Y/n: Yes dad........come Kookie.

Then Y/n leaded me to guest room.

Jungkook: Y/n your dad did not smile seeing me, does he not like me.

Y/n: No Jungkook it's nothing like know that it's a very important matter of choosing his daughter's life partner. So he is trying to be hard to get but once he will realize how great you are then he will treat you the same as he treats me. Just be yourself and smile and talk to him happily.

Jungkook: I will try my best.(I held Y/n's hand) I don't want to lose you Y/n....... I will try me best to make your parents like me.

Y/n: I know already(She said with a smile) Now go and have a shower.

She left the room. I took a quick shower and changed my clothes and went to the hall and sat on the couch. Y/n's mom was making lunch.

Y/n's mom: Oh you came. Wait for the lunch.............till then have some fruits, they are kept on the table.

Jungkook: No thanks aunty, I'll wait for the lunch. Can I help you?

Y/n's mom: You know how to cook?

Jungkook: Actually aunty I can cook Korean dishes but I have never cooked any Indian dish.

Y/n's mom: Wow that's great, you know how to cook. I will teach you some Indian dishes............but for now you must be tired. You can help me in dinner.

Jungkook: Okay aunty.

After sometime Y/n also came and lunch was served and we all had lunch together.

Y/n's Dad: So Jungkook what do you do. I mean I know you are a kpop star but I don't know much about them. Sometimes Y/n used to tell me, I also heard that you were his favourite idol.

Jungkook: Yes uncle..........being a kpop star it's a very hectic job, we have very tight schedules but it was my dream so I had to work very hard to achieve it. I gave audition to some companies and I got offer from 2 companies and I chose Bighit. I had to leave my parents at 15 for the training.

Y/n's Dad: That's so sad, you must be missing your parents.

Jungkook: Yes uncle I missed them so much. But I was grateful to my group members, I was youngest of them and they raised me like a little brother. Our group had no success for almost 4 years, we were all cut from broadcast and when we arrived at the red carpet the reporters always switched off their cameras.

Y/n: And now many reporters and fans wait for hours to just get a picture of them.(She said smiling at me)

Y/n's Dad: Really?

Y/n: Yes dad, I will show you their airport arrival. They are surrounded by millions of fans, there is so much crowd that a single member needs 4 to 5 bodyguards.

Y/n's Dad: I heard that it's very difficult to be a kpop idol. That's why there are only 2 kpop idols from India.

Jungkook: Yes it is difficult. But if you have something unique in yourself then definitely that person will be selected.

Y/n's Dad: Then how did you achieved this big success.

Jungkook: We got our first award for our "I Need U" song and after that we won many awards in a row so we started working more hard. And after some years we were invited to White House and also had a talk to the American president. We were also invited to speak in many places.

Y/n's Dad: That's great, I also heard that this year FIFA World Cup opening song was also yours.

Jungkook: Yes uncle, I sang it along with a singer.

Y/n's Dad: That's really appreciable, It's rare for such a young person to achieve many things.

Jungkook: Thanks Uncle.

Y/n's Dad: But is this job reliable............I mean when you are young you can sing and dance but when you will get older you can't do that. So what will you do then.

Y/n: Dad............please stop making him uncomfortable............he likes music and it's his passion.

Y/n's Dad: Y/n...............I am talking to him.(He said a bit angrily)

Jungkook: Y/n let uncle ask.............he has the right to ask. And I am from a different country so he must clear all his doubts. Sorry for that uncle............go ahead what you were asking.

Y/n's Dad: So tell me Jungkook............what will you do when you get older.

Jungkook: I will continue my passion as a song writer or a producer or director. Or I can also become a comic writer or painter.

Y/n's Dad: You can draw also.

Jungkook: Yes uncle, I have designed many of our song thumbnails.

Y/n's Dad: Ohh that's nice. You a multitalented person.

Jungkook: Not really uncle.

Y/n's Dad: Okay have your lunch and then get some sleep. You must be tired.(He said with a slight smile)

We had lunch and then I went to have some rest.

TO BE CONTINUED........................



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