The Fanmeet

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After enjoying the concert, we all headed to the hall provided for the fanmeet. I and Kriti got the seat in the third row and sat there and all the Army's including us were waiting eagerly for BTS to arrive. We had prepared many gifts for them, as I had told you earlier that I love to draw, so I had painted each of the members separately and framed them in seven different frames, I thought that handmade gift instead to buying anything would me more touching. I also had seven different diaries in which I wrote my emotions and feelings about all the members from three years so I tought to take autograph in all diaries.

(A/n: By the way I really have drawn the sketch of all members, if you want to see it you can see from my insta account- (mehek_9981) Similarly Kriti had prepared some handmade accessories for all the members and bought cute headwears for the members.

After waiting for almost half and hour, they arrived. All the Armies welcomed them with applause and howling. Then they sat in their assigned seats and one by one the fans started meeting. When it was my turn I had butterflies in my stomach, my legs were shaking as I walked closer towards them, as I was carrying two big bags filled with paintings of the members, all were staring at me . 

When I reached there the first member sitting was...........The Baby Bear Taehyung!!!

I started the conversation, I talked to all the members in Korean for their convenience so that we could talk freely.(A/n: I am writing the conversation in English for all to understand)

Y/n: Hii Taehyung-ssi!

Taehyung: Heyy (He said cheerfully)

Y/n: I am a very big fan of your group since three years and I came to visit you from India.

Taehyung: Wow, you are from India, but you can speak korean.

Y/n: Yes.....I learned it so that it would be easy to have conversation with you.

Taehyung: Aww really.....that's so sweet, means you were sure you will meet us one day.

Y/n: I was not sure but I had a little hope. By the way I have brought you a gift.

Taehyung: What is it?

Y/n: (I took out Taehyung's painting) I drew it for you, hope you will like it(I said giving it to him).

Taehyung: Really you drew this by yourself, its amazing. By the way what's your name.

Y/n: My name is y/n.

Taehyung: Thanks for your gift y/n(He said poking my cheeks).

Y/n:(I blushed I little) And here is a diary in which a have been writing my feelings about you from three years

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Y/n:(I blushed I little) And here is a diary in which a have been writing my feelings about you from three years.

Taehyung:(Opening the diary)Wow y/n, its so beautiful (he said turning the pages) you literally wrote everything here (he said chuckling) it's so memorable.

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