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I reached office and got out of my car when Eunwoo greeted me.

Eunwoo: Good morning Y/n.

Y/n: Good morning Eunwoo.

Eunwoo: Let's go inside.

After that we talked for a while and then we headed for our work.


Many days went like this, I and Eunwoo became pretty close to each other. We almost had lunch together everyday and he was so sweet. I wanted to introduce him to Jungkook but I thought he will feel uncomfortable so I didn't. He sometimes stayed overtime with me and helped me complete my work.

(After 2 months)

Our company had a huge profit this month so our boss decided to throw a party.................I left the office at noon and then for the party.

My Dress:

When I reached there all the employees were already there

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When I reached there all the employees were already there. Eunwoo saw me and came to me.

Eunwoo: Hii Y/n...................you look stunning.

Y/n: Thanks.................you also look handsome.

Eunwoo: Thank you.....................let's go inside.

After that we went and danced for sometime. When all were tired so we headed for dinner. Eunwoo sat beside me.

Eunwoo: Y/n try this..............it's delicious.(He said putting some chicken nuggets in my plate)

It was so awkward......................all the employees were staring at us. One of them said

Employee: You two seem pretty close.

Eunwoo: Yes we both studied in the same university.

Employee: Aww..............that means you are university mates.

After that we had some red wine with boss.

Boss: Cheers for our success!!!

We all clinked glasses...................I only drank a few sips because I didn't want to get drunk.....................as soon as I drank I started to feel dizzy. Eunwoo noticed it and came to me.

Eunwoo: Y/n!...............are you okay.

Y/n: I'm okay just...............feeling little dizzy.

Eunwoo: You're dizzy................come with me.

He held my wrist and pulled me to a corner.

Eunwoo: Y/n............Y/n what happened.(He said getting closer.............our faces were just inches apart from each other)

Y/n: Eunwoo don't come close.(I said slightly pushing away with all the strength I had) Let me go.

Eunwoo: But Y/n you're drunk.

Y/n: I'm not!!! let me go.(I shouted and pushed him with all the might I had, he fell on the ground and I ran)


Yess................the pill worked but.....................Shit!.................she ran again...................Y/n..............even if you're drunk you won't let me touch you. But don't worry...........I will make you mine.


I ran as fast as I could and hid in a corner and called Kriti

(On The Phone)

"Hello Y/n",

"Kriti...............come and pick me up. I am at XXX restaurant. I'm feeling dizzy",

"Did you drink",

"I took only 2 to 3 sips",

"But how...........",

"Come pick me up",

After that I felt my eyelids getting heavy and everything blacked out.

Kriti POV:

I got a call from Y/n and she was not feeling well. I could sense with her voice that she was drunk so I took a coat and a hangover drink and then went to the restaurant she told.

After some minutes I reached there and asked all the employees about Y/n but nobody knew then an employee answered

Employee: She was feeling so Eunwoo took her with him.

My blood boiled hearing about Eunwoo......................I have visited many times to Y/n's workplace and I always saw this man with her. The way he looks at Y/n seems very inappropriate to me.

I quickly to find Eunwoo and after sometime I found him.

Kriti: Eunwoo!!! Where is Y/n.(I asked a bit angrily)

Eunwoo: I don't know...................I was trying to help her but she ran away.

Kriti: Were you helping or harassing her!!! Leave it..................I will see you later...............first I have to find Y/n.

He scoffed and went away...............what a jerk.

After half an hour of searching I found Y/n unconscious at a corner. I went to her and sprinkled water upon her and shook her shoulders vigorously. She woke up.

Y/n: Ahh!..........,my head.

Kriti: Here...............have this drink.(I made her sit on the sofa and gave her the hangover drink)

Y/n: Thanks Kriti.

After some minutes I asked her.

Kriti: Tell me how did you get drunk.(I covered her with the coat)

Y/n: I don't know...............when I was having dinner with all the employees I took a few sips of red wine and then I felt dizzy.

Kriti: How can you get drunk with a few sips of wine.

Y/n: I don't know.

Kriti: And Eunwoo was with you right?

Y/n: Yes he was helping me.

Kriti: No Y/n he was clearly not helping you. He was taking advantage of you. And have you thought why did you get drunk.

Y/n: Maybe I have a low alcohol tolerance because I don't drink much.

Kriti: It's not possible Y/n................I am sure that Eunwoo has done something.

Y/n: No Kriti he is my friend.

Kriti: Y/n! have you ever noticed the way he looks at you............he will surely do something inappropriate someday if you don't pay attention to him.

Y/n: No it's nothing like that.

Kriti: Alright................I won't argue with you. Let's go home now.

I helped her get up and we headed to our apartment.

TO BE CONTINUED.............................................

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