Our First Date

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I took shower and Kriti was coming to me.

Kriti: So............what happened last night?(She said playfully raising her eyebrow).

Y/n: Nothing happened.

Kriti: Don't fool me.........oppa proposed you so how was your reaction.

Y/n: To be honest I never expected this.............I was completely shocked...........it was like a dream come true for me.

Kriti: You're so lucky...........your first boyfriend is the guy you adore as your bias. I envy you so much.

Y/n: Uh-huh really.......but I thought someone was exchanging glances with her bias throughout last night.(I said playfully)

Kriti: No...........it's nothing like that.(She said blushing)

Y/n: Wahh! Looks like someone is blushing.

Kriti: No it's nothing like that.

Y/n: Then why did Tae oppa refused to be called oppa by you.

Kriti: I don't know...........ok now forget about me.........tell me........did you guys kiss.

Y/n: What!........no.(I said avoiding eye contact with her)

Kriti: Oh really.........then why are you blushing.

Y/n: He tried to but by heart was pounding so bad that I ran from there.

Kriti: Aww............I can understand.(She said laughing)

Then Kriti's phone beeped. I took a glance and it was Tae oppa's text

Y/n: Ohhhh!...........It's Tae oppa. Go talk to him.(I said teasing her)

Kriti: Why is he texting me..............I'll see.(She said and went)

I then got Jungkook's call............why is he calling again, we had a conversation before one hour.

"Hii Y/n",

"Hi Jungkook............why did you call again",

"I just wanted to ask...........are you free now",

"Yes but what happened",

"I wanted to take you out",

"But aren't you busy",

"No we got Saturday and Sunday off",

"Ok then I will come",

"Okay then meet me at 11:00 outside your house. I will come with my car",

"Okay see you then",

I hung up the call. Omo!!! Jungkook asked me out..............what should I wear. I told this to Kriti and she helped me choose my dress.

 I told this to Kriti and she helped me choose my dress

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