The Sleepover

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Y/n POV:

I and Kriti were packing our luggage for the whole night because we were planning to shift to my new apartment the next day. Kriti was continously telling me to stay alone and let her stay in the dorm but how could I leave my bestie in that dorm being so comfortable at my apartment, so I decided to take her with me. We were done with the packing and we went to sleep. Jungkook had told me that he will bring his car and help us shift apartments.

(In the morning)

We woke up and quickly got ready, we were very excited for living in our new apartment. We had our breakfast and waited for Jungkook to arrive. After 10 minutes we heard a car honk and saw Jungkook coming, he came inside and greeted us.

Jungkook: Heyy girls, everything ready?

Y/n and Kriti: Yeah we're all set.

Jungkook: Okay then let's put the luggage.

We both helped Jungkook put our luggage in, while shifting the luggage I saw a big truck but I just shrugged it off.

Kriti: Finally our luggage is loaded, let's go then.

Jungkook: Wait..........I have something for you Y/n.

Y/n: What is it?

Jungkook: (He then went to that truck and opened it. When I saw inside I was amazed, there were many painting boards and different types of paint, he had brought everything a painter could wish for. There was also a latest laptop and also a karoke set, I think that was for Kriti) I brought these for your new house...........hope you like it.

hope you like it

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