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Jungkook POV:

"Jungkook-ssi..................I tracked the location...............they happens to be in this city"

We heard Mr.Roberts and quickly rushed to him.

Jungkook: You found them!............where is my Y/n.

Jimin: Calm down Jungkook...............we should calmly handle this situation.

Mr.Robert: The location seems to be on the outskirts of the city. I think they have a hideout there.

Jungkook: Really................then we should quickly go there and bring Y/n.

Mr.Robert: No they are far from here they must have security around them............we should plan everything and go otherwise if they see us they can harm Miss Y/n.

Jimin: Yes Kook, Mr.Roberts is right.

Jungkook: Then what to do...............please do something, I can't have my Y/n suffer for long.

Mr.Robert: It's late...............just wait till today............tomorrow I will bring my specialised drone and go to that place and see what's going on there. Till then you should arrange some light weapons for self defense.

Jungkook: Okay............please come tomorrow at early morning.

Mr.Robert: Sure.............goodnight.

I and Jimin hyung prepared our weapons, we were thinking to tell this to others but first we thought to go and check out the place. I couldn't sleep well for the rest of the night..........I was just praying that Y/n was safe.


The sunrays hit my eyes and I got up....................I didn't realise when I slept. A soon as I got up the girl came and blindfolded me.

Y/n: What are you doing.

Girl: Trust me miss................nothing will happen, just come with me.

Y/n: Okay.

I had no other way.............I was already stuck in here and what worse could happen. So I went with her. She held my hand and lead the way. When she removed the blindfold I saw a luxurious bedroom around me.

Y/n: Why did you bring me here.

Girl: You were on the basement for 2 days so master told you to bring you here so that you could freshen up. The clothes are on the can choose anyone of them.

Y/n: Okay.

Girl: Okay then I'll get going...........tell me if you need anything.

Y/n: By the way what's your name.

Girl: Myself Emma.

Y/n: Okay should go now.

She bowed and left.

I took a shower and opened the clothes, there were many revealing clothes but I wore a hoodie and sat on the bed and burst into tears. I have no Idea where I am and how long will I be here. Will anyone save me?

Jungkook POV:

(In the morning)

We got ready and Mr.Roberts arrived with his drone, we quickly took my car and left to the location Mr.Roberts told us. After almost 1 hour we reached............and he was right. There was a huge flat there, there were no shops and nothing around there. We felt strange and soon Mr.Roberts sent his drone. It was a specialised drone which looked like a bee and it had a small microphone attached so that we can hear the voice also.

He started controlling the drone by remote and the display was shown on the car screen. We all were focused...........when it entered inside the house, there was a guy wearing black coat and sitting like a king and the hall was surrounded by many guards. Seems like he was the boss, we ignored him and started searching Y/n..............there were many rooms so we searched one by one. After some minutes we went to the 5th room and saw a girl hugging her knees and crying.

Jungkook: Mr.Roberts..........take the drone near the girl.

When it went near the girl I noticed her hair and it was Y/n.

Jungkook: Hyung!!!'s Y/n, she is crying.(I said to Jimin Hyung)

Jimin: You're right Jungkook.............she looks so scared. Mr.Robert please place the drone on the bed infront of Y/n.

He placed it near Y/n and we could hear her saying

"Jungkook....................please save me............I'm so scared and lonely, I don't know where I am...............please find me and come to me"

She was sobbing loudly. I couldn't control myself and tears formed in my eyes.

Jungkook: Hyung.............she's crying, we have to save her quickly.

Jimin: I know Jungkook but you should not let your emotions in between.............we will take security with us and then go save Y/n...........okay.

Jungkook: But please quickly hyung.................I can't see her suffering anymore.

As were we talking about this a man entered in her room and we stopped talking.

"What is my baby doing" The man said coming closer to her.

He went closer and touched her chin and faced her.

"Stay away Eunwoo" Y/n said tilting her face the other side.

Jungkook: this is Eunwoo.............the b*stard that kidnapped my Y/n.(I said angrily) I will beat him to death. How dare him harass Y/n like that.

Jimin: Control Jungkook...........he will definitely get his punishment.

Jungkook: I swear I will not leave him when I catch him.

As Eunwoo was about to get closer to Y/n.................his phone rang and he went out.

Jungkook: Thank god he left.

Jimin: Let's go from here and give this footage to police and after that we will come with security to save Y/n.

Jungkook: Okay hyung.

TO BE CONTINUED........................

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