Starting Jungkook's Solo Album

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Jungkook Pov:

I got a call from manager hyung and he told me that my break was finally over and I had to leave for Los Angeles in two days for my solo album recording and shooting. Honestly I was a bit sad and nervous because it was my first time going to another country without my hyungs. I also thought to take Y/n with me so I went to tell her about this. Today was saturday so she was at the house. She was in her room so I went to her.

Jungkook: Y/n what are you doing.

Y/n: Nothing I was just watching a k-drama.

Jungkook: Ohh..................I wanted to tell you something.

Y/n:(She closed the laptop and turned to face me) Yes tell me.

Jungkook: Manager hyung called me now and he told that I have to leave to Los Angeles in two days.

Y/n: For your solo album right?

Jungkook: How did you know.

Y/n: It's obvious Kookie................other members are also releasing their solo songs so now it must be your turn.

Jungkook: Why don't you come along.

Y/n: No Kookie I can't come.

Jungkook: But why?

Y/n: I can'r skip my office for so long. Because it will take a long time there for recording the song and shooting the mv.

Jungkook: Yeah you're right.............ok then.

Y/n: By the are you collabing with any artist or celeb, because almost all the members are collabing.

Jungkook: Yes..............I'll shoot the mv with actress Han-Sohee probably.

Y/n: Han-Sohee...................OMG!!! I love her. I saw many of her dramas and she's my favourite.

Jungkook: Aren't you jealous that I will shoot with a girl.

Y/n: Why will I.............infact I am now excited for your mv with her. And don't worry............I won't tell any of my friends about it.

Jungkook: I know. And also I will be singing with Latto.

Y/n: Wow..................compilation of a vocalist and a rapper. It will be amazing..................I am sure it will break records.(She said jumping happily)

Jungkook: It's not even started.

Y/n: But I know it will be a blast. And Jungkook when you will leave I will also move at my apartment.

Jungkook: Why? Can't you stay here only.

Y/n: No Jungkook I will be bored without you. And also Kriti is living alone from few months so I need to get back.

Jungkook: Okay then.

Y/n: But don't worry I will come here once in 15 days and clean up here.

Jungkook: You don't need to..............I will do it myself when I return.

Y/n: But I don't want you to come back with a mess. So I will clean up.

Jungkook: Okay fine, but for now I wanna spend the rest 2 days with you.(I picked her up and made her sit down on the bed and pecked her lips)

Y/n:(She looked at me shocked)

Jungkook: (I held her in my embrace) Now start the k-drama..............I will watch it with you.

Y/n: (She played it and we cuddled and watch the drama together)

Y/n POV:

*After 2 days*

I enjoyed a lot with Jungkook in these two days. And now it was morning and Jungkook was getting ready to leave for airport and I was making breakfast for him. I made hot chocolate with pancakes.

Jungkook: I smell something good.(He said coming to the kitchen buttoning up his shirt)

Y/n: You ready..........come let's have breakfast.

Jungkook: Pancakes...............I was craving for it from a long time. (He said stuffing a big piece of it right away)

Y/n: Aish! Eat slowly you'll choke yourself.................they are not going anywhere.

Jungkook: ThEy ArE So TaSTy(He said with his mouth full but soon he started coughing)

Y/n: Kookie! (I quickly went to him and handed him a glass of water and started rubbing. He coughed and then drank water) Are you okay(I asked still rubbing his back)

Jungkook: I am okay.(He said giggling)

Y/n: You are laughing!(I said hitting his chest)

Jungkook: Oww! Oh sorry(He said showing his doe eyes)

Y/n: Aish!.................don't look at me like that.

After that we had breakfast and now it was time for Jungkook to go.

Jungkook: I'll miss you.(He said hugging me and picking me up)

Y/n: Me too.(I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked at him) Don't forget to eat on hard but take care of your health. Shoot carefully and don't hu.............

Jungkook:(He pecked my lips in between) You're so cute.

Y/n: Don't do that.(I said burying my face in his neck and he laughed)

Jungkook: Don't worry I will remember it all...................I love you.(He leaned in to kiss me)

Y/n: (After some minutes we broke the kiss) ruined my lipstick.

Jungkook: It was too dark so I just wiped off some lipstick.(He said giggling)

Y/n: Hmm........ok go now...............take care.....................and I love you too.(I said pecking his cheek and he smiled)

After that we bid goodbye to each other and Jungkook left for airport and I left for office.

TO BE CONTINUED.................................

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