Busy Schedule

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Y/n POV:

I and Kriti spent the whole day shopping and having fun. I know I haven't spent time with her for a while so I decided to make it up to her. We went to supermarket,amusement park,playstation and had a lot of fun. At night we reached home, I change into my pajamas and called Jungkook.

"Heyy Y/n",

"Hii Jungkook.......what are you doing",

"Nothing....just here with my hyungs"

Then I heard Namjoon oppa's voice-"Kookie concentrate here we have less time"

"Yes hyung", Jungkook said

"Are you busy now", I said understanding the situation

"Yeah.............we're working on lyrics for our new song",

"Okay then I won't disturb you......get to work",

"Okay.........and sorry I won't be able to talk to you properly for a few days. Our deadline is about to come so we have to work",

"It's okay Jungkook I understand",

"Thanks for understanding",

"Okay then bye Jungkook and work hard",

"I will........bye Y/n",

I then went to sleep

(In the morning)

I woke up and did my morning routine and I was not in the mood to go to the university. I was concerned about Jungkook and all the oppas because I know when they concentrate on work they forget about their meals. I called Jungkook to ask about it.

"Heyy Y/n",He sounded tired

"You sound tired what happened........tell me........you all didn't sleep right",


"Aishh!!! Jungkook why don't you care for your health. I bet you all didn't had dinner right",

"We were too busy to cook",

"Ok wait I'll come there",

"But why",

"I will take care of yours and all the members........I know you have no time to cook",

I hung up the call and decided to make something for the oppas. I made coffee and lots of rameyon for all members. I informed Kriti and took my laptop and powerbank so that when I will get bored I will do my work.

On my way to Jungkook's house I brought some fried chicken also and went.

Jungkook POV:

Why is Y/n coming to my house now. I know she is concerned about me but I don't want to trouble her. I didn't tell my hyungs and carried on with work. After sometime I heard my doorbell ring.

Namjoon: Who is here at this time.

Jungkook: Hyung Y/n called me and told that she will be here.

Namjoon: Okay go open the door.

Y/n: Hii oppas........how're you(She noticed we all had dark circles because we stayed up whole night) Omo!....you all look so tired. Come now eat something I know you haven't had dinner yesterday so I brought something to eat.

Jin: Thanks Y/n.......we were all tired and hungry.

Y/n: You're welcome.....come have something to eat........stop your work for a while.

Jungkook: But why didn't you went to university.

Y/n: I was not in a mood to go.........and when I called Jungkook I came to know that you all were hungry and tired so I came here. I brought some food for you guys.

Jhope: Okay come let's have dinner.

Taehyung: Have you had breakfast.

Y/n: No I was busy cooking for you guys.

Jungkook: Then have breakfast with us.

We had our breakfast...........we all felt energetic after that.

Namjoon: Okay everyone let's get back to work.

Y/n: No oppa..........you need to sleep for sometime.......see you all look like a panda right now. Go sleep for sometime I will wake you up after sometime.

Namjoon: But Y/n our deadline is very close.

Y/n: I know oppa but few hours do not change anything.

Namjoon: But Y/n.......

Y/n: No buts(She said cutting in between) I will not listen to anything, I don't want my oppas to be sick.(She held the wrist of mine and Namjoon hyung and dragged us to the bedroom) Come on oppa sleep now........I promise I will wake you up after sometime. I will tell others to sleep also.

Namjoon: Huh..........I can't with you. Ok I will sleep.(He said shaking his head with a smile)

Y/N pov:

I went to Jungkook's house and saw all were tired so I told the members to have breakfast and then forced them to sleep because I saw they were very tired so I wanted them to rest. Till then they slept I organised all the things that were scattered. I was concerned about them......they always forget to have meals. But now that they have me I will take care of them

TO BE CONTINUED.................

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