A Tough Decision

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Jungkook cried for a while in my arms and then I let him go. I felt really bad to see him sad so I decided to cheer him up.

Y/n: Don't cry now........see I got your favourite banana milk.

Jungkook: Wow!...... When did you get it.

Y/n: I got it a while before your arrival.

Jungkook: Thanks Y/n(He said and happily started drinking his banana milk)

Y/n: (Thank god.......atleast he forgot his problem for sometime)

After some time I took him to a park to release his stress. I know that something is definitely bothering him and according to me it is serious, but I will wait for him to tell me. We had a lot of fun at the beach and I was talking continuously to Jungkook so that he won't get sad again. I tried my best to make him happy but he zoned out many times while I was talking. I was very sad about it.

Jungkook POV:

Y/n comforted in every possible way. I felt very bad that I couldn't tell her my problem, but that's for her good only. I don't want her to be in trouble because of me. But as soon as more days were passing my tension grew stronger.

One day Jimin hyung came to me and said.

Jimin: Kookie look at this...........this post is becoming more viral and more hate comments are coming. What to do now?

Jungkook: Hyung please let's just wait for someday.

Jimin: Okay as your wish but be careful.

And............... after then after somedays what was feared happened.................. the post became more viral and the hate comments started getting into my weverse and insta account posts. I was not aware of it first but I saw someone post the screenshot of that picture and writing hate comments. The condition was much worse now so I decided to tell this to my hyungs. I first went to Namjoon hyung.

Jungkook: Hyung I have to tell you something.

Namjoon: What happened kook?

Jungkook: (I told him the whole incident and he was shocked).

Namjoon: Hmm............ the condition is much worse now. Now it's your decision...........either you clear all the doubt or you have to face the consequences.

Jungkook: I know hyung............but I will not put Y/n at any risk and I will not leave her also. So............. I decided to reveal our relationship.

Namjoon: But have you thought about the consequences.

Jungkook: Yes hyung I have.............. I will talk to BangPd about it.

Namjoon: But kookie you should think about it once more, the consequences will be much worse as you think.

Jungkook: I know hyung and I am ready to face everything for her. If it gets worse I will just leave the group. I will call BangPd nim and tell him about it.

Namjoon: Think about it once more Kookie. Pdnim will be very furious.

Jungkook: I know but I will convince him.

I called Pdnim and he came after sometime.

Jungkook: Annyeong Pdnim.(I said slightly bowing)

Pdnim: Annyeong, why did you call me here suddenly.

Jungkook: I have to tell you something.

Pdnim: What is it?

Jungkook: Actually.................. Pdnim........I..........I...........I am in a relationship.

Pdnim: What!!!..................Since when.(He asked impatiently)

Jungkook: She was my friend for 1 year and I recently confessed to her.

Pdnim: Why didn't you tell me before.

Jungkook: I never thought that I will get this close to her. And also I have to show you something.(I shown him the post)

Pdnim: Now what is this............. when did it happen, and why didn't you tell me before.

Jungkook: I thought that this matter will get closed but it became worse. Fans are spreading hate on my social media account also.

Pdnim: What the hell!!!...............Now what will you do Jungkook-ah. I just hope that other members do not get in trouble because of you.

Jungkook: Pdnim.........I thought about it a lot and I have decided that............. I will reveal our relationship and face the consequences.

Pdnim: Are you sure you want to do this.

Jungkook: Yes........... I will do a live tomorrow and tell the fans about this.

Pdnim: You may have to leave the group you know that right.

Jungkook: I know and I am willing to.

Pdnim: If you are ready for the consequences then I respect your decision.

Jungkook: Thanks Pdnim.(I bowed and he left)

After that I discussed it with all my members and they all were tensed but they agreed.

I decided to tell this to Y/n so I called her.

"Heyy Y/n",

"Are you feeling better", She asked right away

"I have sorted everything out and I need your help",

"Yes what is it",

(I told her everything)

"Do you think I did wrong Y/n",

"No Jungkook............infact I am happy that you are willing to make our relation public. But honestly what is the need of this. You can just tell it was not you",

"I could Y/n.........but think about it........some or the other day we have to reveal our relationship so why not now",

"But you are already getting so much hate and I don't want you to suffer more",

"I will manage everything Y/n",

" But............ I don't want you to be in trouble",

"I can manage........... but are you sure you want to come live with me. The fans may find your account and spread hate",

"If you are willing to do this then why can't I",

"Thanks Y/n.........I knew it that you will accept",

"I sure have to..........when is the live",

"Tomorrow morning at my house",

"Okay I will reach there"

TO BE CONTINUED.......................



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