Our Night Date And My New Apartment

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Jungkook POV:

After the concert was ended we all went to a restaurant and booked a VIP cabin. We all put on a mask and sat for the dinner. We all ordered the dinner and then Namjoon hyung spoke.

Namjoon: Congratulations Y/n and Jungkook for your reunion.

Y/n: Thanks oppa.

Jin: This was unexpected....we never thought that you two would actually meet again.

Taehyung: But I was totally sure that some or the other day they will definitely meet. Right babe.(He said hugging Kriti)

Kriti: Aish!!! Leave me all are watching.(She said removing his hand)

Taehyung: So what...........you are mine so I have no problem with that.

Jimin: Oh my god.............my poor eyes.(He said dramatically)

Taehyung: Jiminahh you punk.........wait there I am coming.(He got up and started chasing Jimin)

Jimin: You can't catch me.(He said sticking out his tongue)

(Then they both were catching each other while others were watching them laughing)

After dinner we were all heading home but I wanted to take Y/n for walk so I said.

Jungkook: Everyone can go back, I want to take Y/n for a ride.

Jimin: Oh yeah sure............enjoy your night.(He elbowed me while smirking and I could see Y/n blushing)

Jungkook: Hyung!......(I said while laughing and then I and Y/n sat in my car, I drove to our favourite park)

Y/n's POV:

After the dinner Jungkook was taking me somewhere in his car, after sometime we reached our old park and sat on the bench. Ahh................how much I missed being here when I was sad.

Jungkook: Y/n.(He called while staring at me)

Y/n: Yes(I spoke and turned to look at him. He looked at me for a while and then hugged me. I also hugged his waist)

Jungkook: You don't know how much I missed you in these 2 years Y/n.(He said in a broke voice)

Y/n: Jungkook......(I said looking at him) are you crying(I looked at him and saw tears in his eyes) Hey............look at me......don't cry (I cupped his face) I'm sorry for leaving you and I promise I would never leave you again.

Jungkook: (He just kept quiet and we looked at each other in silence. Then he suddenly kissed me.)

Y/n: (I was taken aback but I kissed him back. After sometime I was out of breath so I hitted his chest)

Jungkook: (He looked at me with a smirk)

Y/n: Yahh!! Let me breathe.(I said breathing heavily)

Jungkook: You can take it from me.(He said raising one eyebrow)

Y/n: (I could feel my cheeks getting red and to hide it I hid my face with my hands and turned to the other side)

Jungkook: Aww my cutie is blushy blushy.(He said smiling and backhugging me)

Y/n: (I kept quiet and turned to him and buried my face in his chest. He chuckled and hugged me)

We stayed like this and slept in each other's embrace. I could never understand his personality, sometime he would be a cute bunny who would behave like an adorable child and at the other minute he would turn into a flirty guy like Jimin oppa. But whatever would be the case, I already have decided to love this man for the rest of my life no matter what happens.

I also bought a big apartment after returning to Korea but I haven't told anyone about it expect Kriti, we were preparing to shift our things there and after that we decided to do a sleepover with all the members.

This was my apartment

This was my apartment

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TO BE CONTINUED...............

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