Settled in Korea

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We were very happy meeting all the members and when we woke up the next day it still felt like it was a dream, I woke Kriti up and she was telling me the same thing.

Kriti: Y/n don't you still think this it was a dream.

Y/n: You're right, I still can't believe.

Kriti: Let's check our phones to confirm then.

(We checked our phones and found the pictures and videos still there)

Y/n: It's real Kriti, we met them in real it's not a dream!!!(I said hugging her tightly)

Kriti: Yess, I am going crazy!!!

(We both jumped in the bed happily and after some time we did our morning routine and headed to have our breakfast)

After breakfast we headed to pack our luggage because it was the last day of our trip and the flight was at noon, so we quickly packed our luggage and headed to airport.

(Time skip after reaching home)

We got off the plane and took a taxi and went home. The taxi dropped Kriti at her house and then it headed to my house.

When I reached the house and rang bell my mother immediately opened it.

Mom: You're back sweety(She said hugging me).

Y/n: Yes mom I'm back.

Mom: Have you had fun there.

Y/n: Yes it was soo much fun.

Mom: And how was your meeting with idols.

Y/n: It was amazing, they were very friendly and I felt very comfortable talking with them.

Mom: That's good then, now come and have breakfast.

After having breakfast I headed to my room and sat on my bed. Then I started thinking about what should I do in my future, I have always been interested in painting, drawings,comic making and graphic designing. I always wanted to make these my profession. But my mom wanted me to give NEET examination and become a doctor, but unfortunately I was not interested in studies and I always wanted to become an artist. So I decided to talk to my mom about this once more.

I went to the hall and saw her watching TV, I went there and sat beside her

Y/n: Mom I want to talk about something from you.

Mom: What is it?

Y/n: Actually mom when I showed my painting to BTS they praised my painting very much.

Mom: Then it's good.

Y/n: No mom.......why don't you understand.

Mom: What's understanding in this matter.

Y/n: I mean.........even the great BTS loved my paintings so I can make it my profession right.

Mom: Y/n....I already told you many times that painting is not a lifetime career, you have to find a more stable job for your living, so as I say prepare for your NEET examination and become a doctor.

Y/n: Mom I can't do this even if I try it.

Mom: Why can't you do it.

Y/n: My interest is somewhere else mom so how can I clear the examination.

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