Celebrating Anniversary Of Her Parents

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(In the morning)

Jungkook POV:

I woke up and came to the hall and saw Y/n in gym wear

I woke up and came to the hall and saw Y/n in gym wear

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Jungkook: Yes............where are you going this early in the morning.

Y/n: I was going for jogging. Do you want to come with me?

Jungkook: Sure..............wait for me I'll change and come.

I changed into my gymwear

I changed into my gymwear

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Jungkook: Let's go Y/n.

Y/n: Okay...............mom we're going.(She told her mom)

Y/n's mom: Go on honey, be careful.

We both went to the nearest park and jogged, after sometime we were tired.

Y/n: Do you want to have a drink, I'm thirsty.

Jungkook: Yeah me too.

Y/n: Okay wait for me.

She went to the nearest shop and brought cherry juice for us. We quickly drank it and left for home. The rest of the day was normal. We both were helping aunty in house cleaning and breakfast. After that uncle came and we had lunch together, and at evening uncle and aunty had to visit their friends so they both left the house in the evening. After they left we both were watching a movie. Y/n was completely focused on the movie, I wanted to cuddle her so I pulled her closer to me.

Y/n: What happened to you.(She said giggling)

Jungkook: Nothing.............just wanna cuddle you.(I said tightening my grip)

Y/n: Aish............I can't breath..........you're choking me.(She tried to get out of my grip)

Jungkook: I will help you breath.

Y/n: How?(She said innocently looking at me)

Jungkook:(I smashed my lips at hers and started kissing her passionately. She tried to avoid it at first but couldn't get out of my grip so she put her hands around my neck) I pulled out after some minutes.

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