Face Time With Han Sohee

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I was feeling a bit uneasy because of Eunwoo but I was not sure about what Kriti said. Does he really has bas intentions.....................but I never noticed it. But also the fact that Kriti is my best friend and she can never be wrong comes into my mind. I was thinking to tell this to Jungkook but I didn't want to make him sad or angry that's why I decided not to tell him anything. And now I think I should listen to Kriti. After that whatever happens I will handle it.

I was laying on my bed after having dinner just then I got Jungkook's call and it was a videocall.

"Heyy Y/n, what are you doing?",

"Nothing............I just had dinner",

"Were you sleeping..................did I wake you up",

"No I was just laying down.....................by the way why are your clothes all soaked...........did you get drenched in the rain",

"No we were shooting the raining scene that's why I am all wet",

"Then go grab a towel..........don't get cold",

"Okay my eomma..........don't worry about me...................and do you remember I told you I will introduce you to HanSohee",

"Yes........so here is she"

(Then HanSohee suddenly came. I was laying in the bed so I quickly got up and straightened my hair. I was so embarrassed)

"Jungkook.............why didn't you tell my HanSohee unnie is right there beside you",

"There is nothing to be embarrased about Y/n" She said smiling,

"Okay unnie",

"Y/n you both talk till then I'll get the towel",

(Then he gave his phone to unnie)

"Heyy Y/n"She said waving happily,

"Hii unnie...............oh my god..........I can't believe you're right infront of me. You were always my favourite actress and I always wanted to meet you. Too bad that I am not there because of my job",

"Aww............don't be sad..............I'll sign an autograph and send it to you through Jungkook",

"Really..........thank you so much unnie............and also...........can I take a screenshot so that I can always cherish our interaction",

"Yes you can"She said happily,

"Thanks unnie",

(She quickly did a pose and I took a screenshot. Then Jungkook came)

"Seems that you both are getting along really well",

"Yes we were just getting along"She said looking at Jungkook and smiling,

"I am happy that Y/n was able to meet you",

"Me too............okay then I won't disturb you anymore",(She said giving the phone to Jungkook)

"So how are you feeling"He asked raising an eyebrow and smiling,

"So happy that I am freaking out right now"I said dramatically fainting,

We then talked for a while and then I went to sleep.

TO BE CONTINUED........................................

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