Preparations for Going

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I was very excited because it was my first time going out of India without any elders around, just my bestie and me. But for now I had to focus on my finals so I just went for it. Almost half of the month was very hectic due to preparations, revisions and late night studies. But thankfully all my exams went well and now I was ready to go to Korea!!!

I haven't told my mom anything about the giveaway because I know if I would have told her before my finals then she would have told me not to go or she might think that I will get distracted or something. So I decided to tell her after my finals. When I told her, she denied at first because she was concerned about me going too far alone but when I told her my eagerness to meet my Idols first time she finally agreed.

I was coming back from my exam hall after giving my last exam, we were very sad because it was the last day of our school life. Although we got the farewell from school but still our friends group got together. We cried and hugged everyone and wrote our names or friendship signs on each of our school dresses. I was also very sad but I was happy too because of going to Korea. We spend our last day in a park dancing and playing and also took many pictures for memories.

(Time skip to night)

I came back after meeting my friends and I was very tired, so I just went to my room and lied down then I saw my mom coming.

Mom: Are you coming for dinner honey.

Y/n: No mom I had dinner with my friends I am very tired now I just want to sleep.

Mom: Really, you want to sleep this early.

Y/n: Yes mom I'm very tired.

Mom: Then I guess you don't want to sleep with your bestie.

Y/n: Who? Kriti, but she went to her house.

Mom: Then who is here now(Kriti comes from behind)

Y/n: Kritiiiii!!!!(I hugged her tightly)

Kriti: (Letting go of y/n's hug)Are you happy

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Kriti: (Letting go of y/n's hug)Are you happy.

Y/n: I am soo happy, but how you came here at this time.

Kriti: I decided this with your mother.

Y/n: But didn't you tell me.

Kriti: I wanted to surprise you.

Y/n: I love this surprise.

Kriti: (Smiles) Have you started packing yet.

Y/n: No not yet, have you?

Kriti: No I want to buy some new clothes because we are going out of India so we need to look different right. I have to buy some new clothes.

Y/n: I was also thinking to buy clothes, shall we go together.

Kriti: Yeah sure, we will go tomorrow.

Y/n: Okay.

We spent the rest of the night laughing and talking and slept after sometime.

(Time skip to morning)

We woke and did breakfast and after sometime we went to the mall to shop some new clothes and accessories. We bought many clothes, shoes and accessories. We spent the rest of the days packing and relaxing, roaming around and playing. 

Then finally the last day came, I and Kriti were very excited that we couldn't sleep that night, we talked all night and just squeaked with happiness

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Then finally the last day came, I and Kriti were very excited that we couldn't sleep that night, we talked all night and just squeaked with happiness.







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