Telling Everything To Jimin Hyung

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I was sleeping in my room as it was Sunday so I wanted to rest more, but I call a call from Jungkook.Why is he calling this early in morning? Anyways I picked up the call.

"Hello Jungkook", I said yawning

"Were you sleeping?",

"Umm yeah, today is Sunday you remember that, who wakes up this early in Sunday ",

"Sorry to disturb your sleep, but I have something important to tell you",He said in a serious tone

"What happened, is everything alright?", I quickly asked

"Nothing much but...............Jimin hyung is suspecting that I am talking to someone",

"What?..................Oh noo what do we do now?",

"Well............I wanted to introduce you to Jimin hyung",

"Uhh.........but do you think he will accept me",

"He surely're my friend he will surely like you",

"But what if he considers me as a saesang",

"It's up to you...........if you don't want to meet then it's okay. I don't want to force you", He said sadly

"Hey..............there's nothing like that, I definitely want to meet him. How can I stand someone who is suspecting my bias",

"He's my hyung", He said chuckling

"Whatever.........but I need to solve this",

"Really.............then come to my house at 12:00 p.m. Jimin hyung will also be there so I will introduce you to him",

"Uhh.............okay then I'll see you there.........bye Jungkook",

"Bye", He said and hung up

Jungkook POV:

After Y/n agreed I went to Jimin hyung and I saw he was playing games.

Jungkook: Hyung(I said slight louder so that he could hear).

Jimin: What happened Jungkook-aah(He asked still looking at the game).

Jungkook: Please stop the game for a while.....I have something important to tell you.

Jimin: What is it?(He asked stopping the game and coming to me).

Jungkook: Actually hyung............about that thing you asked. So.........yes I actually am talking to someone.(I said lowering my head down and speaking slowly).

Jimin: I knew it.......tell me who is it a girl?

Jungkook: Yes but..........promise you won't be angry.

Jimin: Yes I won' tell me.

Jungkook: Actually I met her in the fansign event and can't stop thinking about her after that. And luckily we met on the supermarket one day, she recognized me even in my covers and took a selfie with me.

Jimin: Didn't the fans attack you?

Jungkook: No hyung..........she knew about it that's why she took me to the back of market and then took selfie. And when I was going I................a-accidentally g-given her my n-number.

Jimin: What!!!(He said aggressively).

Jungkook: Hyung you said you won't get angry.

Jimin: Ok okay............hooh..........I won't, now tell me further.

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