Bye Kookie

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My eyes opened with the bright sunlight and I saw Jungkook pouting and sleeping like a baby but............I noticed a drop of tear in his he crying. I woke him up.

Y/n: Kookie.......wake up.....kookie(I said slightly shaking him)

Jungkook: No..........Y/n let me sleep for sometime.(He said and held my waist tightly)

Y/n: (I giggled and caressed his cheek and then he woke up)

Jungkook: Good morning my cutie.(He said showing his bunny smile

Y/n: Good morning get up we have to go.(I said getting up but he held my wrist and made me sit)What happened.

Jungkook: Where is my morning kiss.(He said cutely)

Y/n: Aish!.......this boy.(I pecked his cheeks and he chuckled)

After a small conversation he returned to his house and I went to university.

When I reached the university I got a shocking and happy news. I was going to be an exchange student in New York........Yess!!! I was so happy but what about my job. In the evening I went to my job and told the manager about it. And gladly the company had its branch so he suggested me to go and enroll there. And I had to leave the on the next morning only.

I got home and night and I told this to Kriti, and as expected she was very happy. I couldn't wait to tell this to Jungkook so I quickly called him.

"Heyy cutie",

"Hii Kookie.........what are you doing",

"Missing you", He said giggling

"Ohh god..............ok now I want to tell you something",

"What is it",

"I have been selected for an exchange student in New York",

"Woah!!! That's amazing but what about your job",

"The company has a branch there also",

"Then it's fine............but when are you leaving",

"Tomorrow morning",

"'re leaving so early",

"Don't worry Kookie.........I will visit you on my weekends",

"Really Y/n",

"Yeah of course.........aren't you happy for me",

"Of course I am",

After some conversation I hung up the call and started to pack my things quickly. After 2 hours I was done with the packing and then I checked my phone..............there were lots of notification on my insta account. I checked it and what I saw shocked me. The haters has found my account and all of them were commenting on my post to leave Jungkook, some of them were even giving me death threats and some of them were telling me that I don't deserve him and I should kill myself. But..........Jungkook told me that all these matters have been solved, then how did they find my account and also started threatening me.

I was so confused about what is happening right now. I quickly went and told this to Kriti while she was talking with someone on the phone.

Kriti: What!!! But Y/n that matter was already solved right.

Y/n: Yes.........Jungkook told me.

Kriti: But now why is this happening(Then a voice came from her phone) Yes Taehyung...............what!!! But why did he tell Y/n that the matter was solved.................Oh my god! Uh...........okay I will tell his it to her.(She was talking with Taehyung on the phone then she hung up and turned to me) Y/n........there's something that you don't know.(Then she told me everything)

Y/n: What!............Jungkook has decided to leave the group...........but why.

Kriti: He dosen't wants to get you in trouble.

Y/n: But what about him..............and why didn't he tell me.

Kriti: He knew that you will not let him leave so he decided to tell him after leaving.

Y/n: What!!! My god............why is he doing this for me.

I then went to the balcony and then I was trying to process everything. Why is he like this..........he can't sacrifice himself for me. I am just a normal girl and I am ok with the hate but I don't want Jungkook to get separated with his hyungs.

I was not able to sleep the whole night................I was just standing at the balcony thinking what to do. After analyzing the whole situation I thought that I will not let him get any hate nor he will leave the's better that...............I should leave me. It would be the best solution.............if I will leave him then he will not leave the group and the hate comments will also stop. I decided to tell this to Kriti while leaving. Then soon I saw sun rising.

I quickly got up and got ready for my flight and then my cab also arrived. I bid farewell to Kriti and sat in the cab. After five minutes I decided to tell everything to Kriti. I called her and told her everything. She tried to convince me and stop me but I didn't listen.

Kriti POV:

I just bid farewell to Y/n and got back to my work. To be honest I am gonna miss her and our golden times. I was thinking about all this then I got Y/n's call and she told me that she will not come back and she also didn't tell me her location. I couldn't think of anything so I decided to call Jungkook oppa.

"Hey Kriti, what's wrong why did you call",

"Oppa Y/n is leaving",

"I know, she told me that she will leave this morning",

"For forever oppa...............she told me that she didn't want you to leave the group so she decided to leave you and she didn't even tell me where will she be living",

"What!!! And you are telling me everything now",

"Because she also just called me and told me",

"Okay I am going to the airport now",

"Okay oppa................I will also come with all the oppas",


I hung up and quickly called all the oppas and told them everything.

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