Moving With Him

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Jungkook POV:

I opened my eyes and realised that I was sleeping in Y/n's bed and she was sleeping while sitting down with her head on the edge of the bed. I tried to get up but I had a terrible headache so a groan came out of my mouth which woke up Y/n. She woke and sat on the bed beside me.

Y/n: Kookie you woke up.................are you feeling better.(She asked caressing my thumb)

Jungkook:(I just hummed)

Y/n:(She stared at me and said) Oh my god Kookie look at you..........your eyes are all red from crying........don't be like this it breaks my heart seeing you in this condition.(She said getting teary)

Jungkook: I just miss my hyung so much.

Y/n: I can understand Kookie...............we all miss him. Wait I will make you some coffee you must be having a terrible headache.(I said getting up)

Jungkook:(He held my waist and made me sit down and backhugged me) Stay like this for sometime please.(He said burying his face in me neck)

Y/n: Ok as you wish(I held his hand)

We stayed like this for about 20 minutes and then he turned me around and said.

Jungkook: Y/niee I'm hungry...............please make me something.(He said whining like a child and smiling)

Y/n:(I still knew that deep down he is sad but I decided to act along) Ok, I will make lunch for you............till then go and take a shower you will feel relaxed.(I said kissing his forehead)

Jungkook: Okiee(He said getting up)

I already had took a shower when Jungkook was asleep so I just went to the kitchen and made some bibimbap and kimchi. When I was making Kimchi I felt muscular arms around my waist and I knew who it was.

Jungkook: Mmmm........smells good.(He said resting his face on my shoulders)

Y/n: Just let me make rameyon, after that we'll have lunch ok. Till then you go and wait in the hall.

Jungkook: No I will be with you(He said hugging me tighter)

Y/n: Okay fine then wait for a while.

After sometime the lunch was ready and we ate in silence because there was nothing to talk about. After we ate I washed the dishes and Jungkook was sitting in the couch. I suddenly remembered that his eyes were puffy so I grabbed cool eye patches and a banana milk and went to him.

Y/n: You forgot your banana milk.(I said smiling and giving it to him)

Jungkook: Ohh.............thanks.

Y/n;(He was about to drink it when I went near him to out the eye patch on his eyes. He stared at me for sometime then pulled me in his lap. This was my first time sitting in Jungkook's lap. My heart was beating so fast that it was audible outside. He just chuckled and started drinking banana milk while I was still sitting on his lap)

Jungkook:(After drinking he took both my hands and wrapped it around his neck) Y/nie I have to ask you something.

Y/n: What is it?

Jungkook: Can you move in with me for sometime, I actually don't have many works for few coming months. My solo album shooting is after a long time and between that I will just have a few photoshoots. So I will be bored alone.

Y/n:(I understood and decided to move in so that he won't be sad about Jin oppa) Okay then, I will just bring all my things and do my assignments in your house

Jungkook: agreed...............thank you so much.(He said pecking my lips)

I quickly packed my bags and we told Kriti and we left.

TO BE CONTINUED.........................

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