Supportive ARMY

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Kriti POV:

It's been 2 years since Y/n hasn't come back. Although I was in contact with her but I never told Taehyung or oppas about it. I was missing her and wanted to meet her. I felt so bad that I couldn't be with her in her difficult time. I know even if she didn't say...........she still misses Jungkook oppa. And in this time I and Taehyung are very close friends and I have got feelings for him. I don't know if he feels the same way or not. I was getting ready to go because Taehyung has called me for dinner.

Taehyung POV:

We felt bad for our Jungkook because I know he still misses Y/n so much and his song tells it. And in this time I got feelings for Kriti and I was going to propose her. I was a bit afraid after seeing what happened with Jungkook but I couldn't control anymore and I just wanted to tell me feelings to her in today's dinner. I called her to my home and decorated my garden and set the table.

 I called her to my home and decorated my garden and set the table

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Kriti POV:

I went to Taehyung's house for dinner and knocked the door my surprise the door opened automatically and there was nobody there, I called him but there was no response. Then I saw some arrows and I followed them only to see a beautiful view. Taehyung's garden was beautifully decorated and then I saw him coming.

Taehyung: Kriti............I know that we're friends from long but now I don't want to be your friend.

Kriti: What! But why......did I do something wrong.

Taehyung: No.............I................want you to be my girlfriend.

Kriti: What! That means you also like me.

Taehyung: What do you mean by also. Do you also like me.

Kriti: Of're my bias.

Taehyung: Then would you like to be my girlfriend.

Kriti: Yes.(I said happily with tears in my eyes)

Taehyung: Yayy!!!(He picked me up and spun me around in the air)

Kriti: (We looked at each other but then I realised something)

Taehyung: What's wrong.

Kriti: Nothing.(I said casually)

Taehyung: Kriti(He said holding my hand) I know that you're tensed about us after what happened with if you want you can refuse.

Kriti: No Taehyung............I will face everything with you together. And as an ARMY I know about you.

Taehyung: Listen know that I love my ARMY and I can't hide anything from them. So if you agree can we reveal our relationship tomorrow in weverse live. I won't force you............only if you want.

Kriti: I agree with you Taehyung....................I think you're right. And no matter what happens I will never leave you.

Taehyung: Yes and stop calling me sounds so formal. Just call me Tae.

Kriti: Okay drama king.(I said chuckling)

We chatted for a while and then I went to my house.

Taehyung POV:

I was glad that Kriti accepted my proposal and also agreed for coming live. I went to discuss this with my members so I did a group call.

(On the phone)

I explained them everything first.

Jhope: Congrats Tae.

Namjoon: I am happy for you Tae..................but are you sure you want to reveal your relation. You remember what happened with Jungkook right.

Jungkook: Don't worry about me hyung............that was in the past. But for now I fully support my hyung.

Jin: But why do you want to reveal it so soon.

Taehyung: I don't want to hide anything from my beloved ARMY. I have called her tomorrow for the live.

Jimin: I think we should support Tae.

After some minutes for conversation I hung up and slept.

(In the morning)

I got up and quickly got ready for the live. All hyungs along with Jungkook arrived at my house and after sometime Kriti also arrived.

Kriti: Hii oppas, how're you.

Namjoon: We are fine, what about you.

Kriti: Fine but a little nervous.

Jin: Don't worry everything will be fine.

Jungkook: Yes Kriti everything will be fine. You know that our fans have realized their mistakes and have become supportive now.

Jimin: Yes they all are telling Y/n and Jungkook to get together.

Kriti: Yes but still I am nervous.

Jungkook: That was in the past Kriti............forget about that.

And then we started the live..................I greeted to all the ARMY and introduced then to Kriti. We were ready for getting hate but to my surprise there were positive comments! All of them were supporting our relationship and even congratulating us. There were still few haters but the positive comments were much more than the hate.It was unexpected and all the members were very happy.

We had a small conversation with ARMY and then I ended the live.

Y/n POV:

I recently saw the live of Tae oppa and Kriti and I was happy that their relationship is accepted by ARMY. I was also getting late for my flight to Korea so I quickly rushed to airport and took my flight. I was excited for the concert but also sad because I will return here after that. Should I approach Jungkook..........but what will be his reaction............he will think that I am toying with him, I was the one who left him and then I will be the one approaching him. After so much thinking I decided not to see him or anyone because if any member will see me they will take me to Jungkook.

TO BE CONTINUED...................





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