A Sweet Night Before Trip

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(6 Days later)

I was busy from last 5 days because I had to complete all the assignments of the university so that I can freely go and visit my mom and Jungkook was also busy with his photoshoots so we didn't had a talk for last 5 days . But finally my work was complete and I was returning to my apartment. Kriti was not there because Tae oppa invited her for a sleepover. It was late evening and I was very tired so I just took a shower and slept. I woke up at 9 p.m and decided to pack my luggage but I got a call from Jungkook.

Jungkook: Hey cutie.......what are you doing?

Y/n: Nothing I was just packing for the trip.

Jungkook: You have not completed packing yet.......we have to leave tomorrow at 10 a.m. you remember that right.

Y/n: Yeah don't worry I will finish it.

Jungkook: Shall I come there and help you.

Y/n: But what about you, have you finished packing yet.

Jungkook: Yes I done it a hour ago.

Y/n: Ohh.....then you should rest you must be tired.

Jungkook: But I wanna see you............we haven't talked to each other much in these days and I miss you.

(Ugh!! How much I wished to see his cute little pout when he was whining)

Y/n: I know Kookie and I miss you too. But don't worry we have to travel tomorrow so we will be together.

Jungkook: But I wanna see you now. How about this.............I will bring my car along with luggage to your house and we will leave together.

Y/n: What!.......no you can't spend the whole night here.

Jungkook: What's the problem.........Kriti is not there anyways so nobody will disturb his.

Y/n: Still no.

Jungkook: Why............are you afraid that you won't be able to control yourself at night and end up jumping upon me.(He said in a flirty voice)

Y/n: Yahh! You pervert.....

Jungkook: Then why don't you let me come.

Y/n: Aishh!! Fine come one.(I said and quickly cut the call)

Jungkook POV:

I love to tease Y/n like this.........ahh!! how much I wanted to see her pinkey cheeks when she blushed and cut the call. After the call ended I quickly took my luggage and settled them in the car and then left for Y/n's house. I reached after sometime and knocked the door and she opened it.

Jungkook: Y/nieeee!!!(I said and hugged her and twirled her around and she giggled cutely)

Y/n: Aishh!! leave me.(She said between her giggles)

Jungkook: I missed you soo much.(I said kissing her cheeks and she blushed)

Y/n: Me too.(She said shyly)

Jungkook: Really?

Y/n: Yes........any dought in this.

Jungkook: Then why didn't you kiss me back.

Y/n:(She smiled and kissed my cheek)

Jungkook: Not there......here.(I said pointing at my lips)

Y/n: You're really too much.(She laughed and was about to go but I held her wrist)

Jungkook: Okay fine then let's have a competition. If you will be able to free your hand from my grip then I'll let you go.

Y/n: No............you're stronger than me.

Jungkook: Then gimme a kiss if you don't want to try.

Y/n: No I'll try.

(She tried very hard to get out but it didn't work. Sometimes she slapped my arm and even tried to jerk it away but it didn't work. I was standing there laughing seeing her behaving childish. After 10 minutes she gave up and starting panting heavily)

Jungkook: Did you surrender now.

Y/n: (She didn't say anything to me and just looked at me with her cute little angry pout)

Jungkook: Now gimme my reward.(I said coming closer to her)

Y/n: But Kookie.(She said making an innocent face)

Jungkook: No buts.......come on.

(She came and pecked my lips but I pulled her and passionately kissed her. I wanted so much to kiss her like this. Y/n widened her eyes but didn't complain. I pulled her closer by waist leaving no gap between us. After some minutes she hitted my chest)

Y/n: I can't breathe.(She said taking longer breaths) You cheater.(She glared at me)

Jungkook: Aww my cutie don't be sad.(I said pulling her cheeks) Look at your lips........they look like a real tomato.(I said chuckling)

Y/n: It's your fault.

Jungkook: But I like it this way. Now I will make your lips red everyday.

Y/n: Yahh!! Jeon Jungkook stop flirting now.(She said hitting my chest) Now come and have dinner. I made rameyon and banana milk.

Jungkook: Banana milk!(Since it's my favourite I was very happy)

Y/n: Aww..........(She said poking my cheeks and held my hand and took me to the dining hall)

We had dinner and after sometime we watched a movie while cuddling. After 1 hour I saw Y/n asleep in my arms, I pecked her forehead and lay her down and closed the movie, I also laid down and cuddled her and slept. The couch was big enough for us to sleep.


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