Planning To Confess

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Jungkook POV:

As I had expected Jimin hyung had already told all the members about Y/n and they had called us to talk about it. I was afraid that what will they ask me. We both and rest of the members were called to Namjoon hyung's house. As soon as we reached the house all members were already there.

Jhope: Come Kookie sit here.(He said patting the empty space beside him)

Namjoon: So you already know why you were called here. So how all this happened.

Jungkook: Jimin hyung had already told you everything.(I said in a low voice lowering my head)

Namjoon: See kook, I am not against this and the girl also seems fine. But have you thought about the consequences.

Jungkook: I have.........and if anything worse happens then I myself will resign from the group.

All members: Are you crazy!!!!

Taehyung: All seven members make BTS, if one of us will resign then it will be a big loss.

Jungkook: Then what should I do hyung, I can't stop talking to her..........she's very important for me.

Namjoon: Do you like her?

Jungkook: Yes.............kind of.

Namjoon: Have you confessed to her.

Jungkook: Not yet hyung.

Namjoon: Then you should confess.

Jungkook: But what about the consequences hyung.

Namjoon: As long as you're happy and you like her, we will cover up for you.

Jungkook: Thank you soo much hyung........I love youuu!!!!(I said jumping over him and giving him a hug).

I love youuu!!!!(I said jumping over him and giving him a hug)

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Jhope: Aigoo...........our boy is in love now.(He said smiling)

Jin: Now he will protect her girl like we used to protect him.

Namjoon: You should confess to her as soon as possible before it's too late.

Jungkook: But how should's........I don't know hyung.

Namjoon: Okay call her here and we all will meet her and have fun and after that you can confess to her.

Jungkook: Hyung I think we should meet up at my house. I will decorate my garden and bring some gifts for her and confess to her.

Jin: Yes.........we all will help him.

Suga: You sure you're doing the right thing.

Namjoon: Yes hyung............learn to trust people, nothing will happen.

Jin: Then we can do it..........right boys.(He said standing up and opening up his palm)

All members: Yes!!!(They all put their palms on another).

Namjoon: Okay then you should invite Y/n to come over.

Jungkook: Hyung I have a request..............can I bring her best friend also. I have talked to her and she is also a very good girl. She always tells me about Y/n and is trustworthy. She had a request to meet with taehyung.

Namjoon: Okay we can call her also.

Jungkook: Thanks hyung.

Jhope: Okay then let's head to Jungkook's house and start the preparation.

All members: Let's go.

TO BE CONTINUED..................

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