What Just Happened!!!

14 1 0

Y/n POV:

After we reached South Korea, we got off the plane and took our luggage and headed to the hotel, we rested there and the next day we went to our respective universities. We both took a taxi and my university was closer so I got off and Kriti went to her university. When I entered inside I was amazed, it was so beautiful, I couldn't believe my eyes that I will pursue my dream here. I went inside but I was kind of nervous because I was new here so I didn't know anybody here. So I asked a girl about my class and then I went there.

(Time skip after ending the day in university)

When I was done for the day I decided to go to the convenience store and bring some snacks and essentials for me. When I reached the dorm I found out that Kriti was not there, maybe she will be late so I thought to go alone.

I was walking and searching for the store, I went to the nearest store and when I was done I went to the counter. While I was standing there, I noticed a man with black hoodie and baggy jeans and he was wearing mask and glasses and when he was putting things in his bag I noticed the tattoo in his hand and there was ARMY written

 While I was  standing there, I noticed a man with black hoodie and baggy jeans and he  was wearing mask and glasses and when he was putting things in his bag I  noticed the tattoo in his hand and there was ARMY written

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My god........If I am not wrong it's Jungkook right.......but how is he here. I saw him going out so I quickly paid for my items, took by things and ran to him.

Y/n: Excuse me (I said behind the man).

The man: Yes(He turned around).

Y/n:( I looked into his eyes and I had a strong feeling that it's Jungkook). Are you............by any chance.....Jungkook.

The man:(Stuttering)W-what are y-you saying how I could be J-Jung-Jungkook

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The man:(Stuttering)W-what are y-you saying how I could be J-Jung-Jungkook.

Y/n: I know you are Jungkook, I am army I can't fail to recognize you.

The man: But I am really not him.

Y/n: If so then please remove your mask.

The man: Uh......well.........I have cold so I can't.

Y/n: Please Jungkook-ssi , I know it's you. You are my bias and I can never fail to recognise you, is you are not comfortable here opening your mask then we can go behind the convenience store, there's no one there.

Jungkook:(Nods head).

(We went behind the convenience store)

Y/n: Now please open your mask I want to see you.

Jungkook:(Removing sunglasses and slowly open up mask and smiling).

Jungkook:(Removing sunglasses and slowly open up mask and smiling)

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Y/n: (Covering face with both hands)OMG...........it's really you. See I told you I could never mistake you for someone else.

Jungkook: (Smiling)Then you must be very big fan of mine.

Y/n: Yes you're right, by the way can I have a selfie with you.

Jungkook: Uh.......well........

Y/n: Don't worry Jungkook-ssi, I know your safety and privacy is important, I won't post it anywhere I will just keep it for my memories.

Jungkook: Then it's fine , give me your phone.

Y/n: Here(Giving the phone).

Jungkook: Come closer(Our cheeks touched and my heart skipped a bit).

Y/n: (OMG....our cheeks touched......I was blushing like crazy) Thank you.

Jungkook:(Giving her phone and laughing)Why are you blushing again, you were like this in the fanmeet.

Y/n: My goodness.........do you remember me.

Jungkook: Of course..........your gift was the one we all liked and we were talking about you.

Y/n: Really............wow!

Jungkook: Okay now I should get going, give me your phone.

Y/n: I looked at him confused and gave my phone.

Jungkook:(Typing something)Here, now I should get going.......take care(He winked and left).

Y/n: I took my phone back and saw a number on the screen..........OMG........Is it Jungkook's number, but why would he give my number to me, anyways I will save it and see it later.

(I saved the number and went back to my dorm).

Jungkook POV

I was going to the convenience store to buy snacks for us for the movie night. When I was purchasing I saw y/n beside me, OMG........how come she is here,hadn't she went back. Many thoughts came into my mind but I thought it would be weird to approach her so I started walking out. But I heard a voice beside me and it was y/n........oh no.....did she recognise me, I ignored her telling I am not Jungkook but she didn't listen. Finally I gave up and took off my mask. She recognized me with mask and glasses on...she really is a true Army. I took a selfie with her and gave it to her, I don't know what got into me that I gave her my number.

When I went back to my house I realized I have given her my number!!! Shoot!.............Jungkook what did you do.......are you mad, why did you give her your number. What you will do if she posts it somewhere or continuously call me. I would be done if hyungs knew about it. I was just hoping for y/n not to share my number anywhere. Heavens......please save me

TO BE CONTINUED...............





AUTHOR OUT...........

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