Separated For A While

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I was done organising the things, till then all the members were slept so I decided to do my work. I opened my laptop and worked on my comic. After 3 hours I woke up all the members and they all got back to work. I prepared lunch for them and after that I sat on the couch and when the members were working on the their song, I worked on my comic.

Namjoon: Y/n it's late, you, should go back.

Y/n: No I wanna stay with you guys, I will cook for you when you will work.

Jin: No Y/n you should go, I will cook for them.

Y/n: But oppa....

Suga: No buts Y/ should go, we will manage

I insisted them but they didn't listen to me.............they're soo sweet.

Y/n: Okay oppa then I'll go now.

All members except Jungkook: Bye Y/n

Jungkook: I'll see you off.(He said coming with me)

We both came near the door of his house, I was going out but he held my wrist.

Y/n: What happened Jungkook.

Jungkook: Y/n........from tommorrow we will be going for concert we will not be able to meet for a while.

Y/n: Yeah.............I know.

Jungkook: Sorry I couldn't take you out before going to concerts.

Y/n: It's ok Jungkook..........I understand.(I said patting his shoulder)

Jungkook: I'll miss you soo much Y/n.(He said hugging and lifting me up)

Y/n: Me too.(I said hugging him back)

Jungkook: But can't you come with me

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Jungkook: But can't you come with me.(He asked still holding me)

Y/n: I wish I could but I have to go to university and job, but I'll watch your concert online.

Jungkook: Okay.(He said whining)

Y/n: Come on.........don't be sad Jungkook........cheer up you'll me meeting your ARMY.(I said pinching his cheeks)

Jungkook: But without you.(He said looking deep into my eyes)

Y/n: Aish!........don't be sad otherwise I will also be sad.

Jungkook: Then gimme a kiss.(He said bending down)

Y/n:(I looked down blushing).

Jungkook: Pweease Y/n.(He said looking at me with his doe eyes)

Y/n:(I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a peck on his cheek) Okay I gotta go..........bye.(I said quickly and left)

He just stood there chuckling.

Jungkook POV:

I bid farewell but I was a bit sad as I will not be able to talk to her. I will not be able to talk to her through the phone also because we will be very busy preparing and giving concerts. I will be missing Y/n soo much. We had to leave tomorrow morning. We all completed our work and all members left for their homes and we packed out luggage and slept.

In the morning we met at my house and we had booked a mini bus for all members. All the members came and Y/n also came to see us off.

Namjoon: It's time to go Y/n......take care of yourself.

Y/n: You too oppa.(One by one she hugged all the members and bid them farewell)

Jimin: And Y/n please don't call Jungkook because he will be busy with concerts and his phone will be kept somewhere or it will be with staffs so it's risky. Jungkook will call you when he will be free.

Y/n: Okay I got it oppa.(Then she came to me and I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead)

Jungkook: Take care of yourself.

Y/n: You too.......and don't forget to have meals on time, you always forget about meals when you work. You too oppas............please be healthy.

Jungkook: Okay now we should leave.....bye Y/n.

Y/n: Bye Jungkook.

We all left for the airport.

TO BE CONTINUED...................





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BYE SEE YAA..........

AUTHOR OUT......................

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