Invitation For Sleepover

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(In the morning)


I woke and did my morning routine. Then after breakfast I and Kriti headed to our universities. I was busy for almost half of the day and after some time when I was free I checked my phone. And..........I got a message from Jungkook.

Jungkook: Heyy y/n......Watcha doing?

                                                                                                    Y/n: Hii Jungkook-ssi......I just got off from work.

Jungkook: By the way I didn't ask you..........where do you work?

                                               Y/n: Actually I am student of art university and I am doing mastery in arts.

Jungkook: Then it's awesome, with the current level of your paintings I can definitely tell that you'll succeed.

                                                                                                                               Y/n: Really?........Do you think I can.

Jungkook: Yes of course..........don't you believe your bias?

                                                                                                                                              Y/n: Of course I believe you.

Jungkook: Good............continue your hardwork and you'll definitely succeed😇.

                                                                                                                  Y/n: Thanks for your encouragement ☺️.

Jungkook: It's my the you want to talk on the phone.

                                                                                                                                                        Y/n: You mean call?🤔

Jungkook: Yes.......well.......only if you want. I won't force you.

                                                         Y/n: What's forcing in this, I will definitely be very happy.......I wanted to ask you the same but after some days. I'm glad you took the initiative first.

Jungkook: That means you say yes?

                                                           Y/n: Definitely.............but not now when I will get back home I will tell you.

Jungkook: Ok then you can call me directly after that.

                                                                                          Y/n: But won't you be in problem if I call you directly.

Jungkook: No......there's no one at home. Jimin hyung went to meet his parents.

                                                                                      Y/n: Ohh.......okay then I'll call you as I reach my dorm.

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