Finding Y/n

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Jungkook POV:

It's been twenty minutes and Y/n is not back yet so I was getting tensed. First a text from an unknown person talking about Y/n and now she's not coming. We all were waiting for Kriti to get changed so that we could head out together.

After sometime she came with her group and we praised and congratulated them. We all talked to them and then all of them bid farewell to them except Kriti

Kriti: Where's Y/n?

Jungkook: She went to washroom.

Kriti: Okay then let's wait for her and then we'll leave.

Jungkook: But it's been twenty minutes and she's not back.(I whispered)

Kriti: What!(She shouted and everyone started at her.........she got embarrased and covered her mouth)

Taehyung: What happened.

Jungkook: Actually hyung.............Y/n went to washroom twenty minutes ago but she is not back yet.

Jimin: What!..............Is it something related to that unknown text.

Kriti: Unknown text? What are you talking about.

Jungkook: Actually we wanted to tell you but we were afraid that you will get tensed so we didn't.

Kriti: Okay but now tell me.

I explained to whole situation to her.

(A/n: If you don't remember you can read the chapter "Jungkook's Birthday And An Unknown Text")

Kriti: Oppa.........I think I might know who's that.

Jungkook: Really........who?

Kriti: I think it's Eunwoo.

Jungkook: Who is that...........and how are you sure.

Kriti: I already would have told you if I had known about this situation. Eunwoo is Y/n's colleague and they both studied in the same university.

Jungkook: Ahh...........I remember now. Y/n has already told me about this.

Kriti: But has she told you that day when she was drunk.

Jungkook: She was drunk...........but when.

Kriti explained everything to me.

(A/n: If you don't remember then you can go back and read the chapter "Drunk")

Jungkook: Really............and why you didn't tell me about it before.(I asked a bit angrily)

Kriti: I'm sorry's just that Y/n refused me to tell this to you so I didn't.

Jungkook: Okay but for now we should go and search Y/n.

All the members went in different areas to search Y/n...........after 1 hour we came to the entrance.

Jungkook: Did anybody find Y/n.

Namjoon: No.......we asked many people too but didn't find her.

Jungkook: I will try to call her.

Kriti: I already did many times but it's unreachable.

Jungkook: What should we do now...............I wanna find my Y/n.(I got panicked)

Namjoon: Don't panic kook.........we understand, it's really a tough situation but we have to keep calm otherwise we won't be able to think of any way. Why don't you call Mr.Robert and ask him to help you.

Jungkook: Yeah you're right hyung.

Namjoon: But first let's go to your place............we don't want to create a scene.

I quickly called Mr.Robert and and he told to reach in a few minutes.


I opened my eyes and saw a dark room............I tried to get up but realised that I was tied a chair. I remembered what happened and screamed.

A man came opening the door but due to darkness I couldn't see anything,

"You woke up baby"

Just then a light shined above my chair and I closed my eyes.

"Does it hurt a lot"

I looked at the man and as was Eunwoo.

Y/n: What happened back then............and why did you bring me here.............leave me.(I yelled and tried to be free)

Eunwoo: Woah...........calm down baby...........I won't hurt you.

Y/n: Untie me and stop calling me baby you b*stard

Eunwoo: (He came closer and lifted my chin) Listen Y/n............I am really trying to be don't try to make me angry.

Y/n: I won't listen to you.(I yanked my face away from him)

Eunwoo: If you won't then you'll face the consequences.

Y/n: Even if you kill me I'll not be with you.

Eunwoo: Who cares about killing when you are right infront of me(He got closer to my face) right here and I can play with you.

He got near my neck and his breath tickled me............I gulped but still tried to get up from the chair.

Y/n: Leave me.(I yelled once again)

Eunwoo: You look so hot when you're angry...........I really am trying to control myself but you're making it hard............don't do these things..........that'll turn me on.(He smirked and came closer gripping both my hands and looked deep into my eyes)

Y/n:(I tilted my face the other side) Since when did you become a criminal.

Eunwoo: I am not a criminal...................somebody helped me.

Y/n: Who is it?

Eunwoo: You really want to know.

Y/n: Yes.

Eunwoo: Okay.............come on bro.

As soon as he called someone opened the door and walked was still dark from far so I was not able to see the person. He came closer and I tried to see the face....................but when I saw him and recognised and it was













TO BE CONTINUED........................................

HEHE.....................SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER GUYS...........

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