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Jungkook POV:

(In the morning)

I woke up and did my morning routine then headed to make breakfast then I got Namjoon hyung's call.

"Hyung" I said,

"Kook is Y/n fine now" He said worriedly,

"Y/n was crying but she is fine now" I replied,

"What is she doing",

"She's sleeping",

"Okay............so Kook for the next few days you have to take care of Y/n okay. Treat her lovingly and be with her as much as possible. She was very afraid that day...............I still remember her uncontrollably crying while hugging me. I tried to comfort her but your comfort is more effective for her" He said,

"I understand hyung...................I will take leave for a few days and take care of her" I relplied,

"Good...............that's like a responsible boyfriend" He said and I chuckled,

"Okay hyung I'll hang up, I have to give breakfast to Y/n",

"Okay then both of you take care"

He hung up the call and then I took the and headed upstairs.

She was sleeping with a cute pout. I went near her ear and gently whispered.

Jungkook: Wake up cutie.

She blinked her eyes and turned to the other side. I put the breakfast on table and went and hugged her. She slowly opened her eyes.

Jungkook: Good morning cutie.(I said gently pecking her forehead)

Y/n: Good morning.(She said in her sleepy voice)

Jungkook: Let's have breakfast.

Y/n: You made it.

Jungkook: Of course..........come on let's eat.

We both had breakfast together and I was hugging her all the time.

Y/n: Oh noo!!!(She shouted looking at me)

Jungkook: What happened............why are you panicking.

Y/n: Jungkook what about my job..............I skipped it for almost 15 days without any notice.

Jungkook: It was not your fault Y/n..................we can explain it to your boss. I will also talk to him.

Y/n: But why will you talk.

Jungkook: He already knows I am your boyfriend and I will explain everything to him.

Y/n: Uh.................okay then I will call him.

Y/n called his boss and we both talked and explained the whole matter to him. He understood and recommended to work from home for a week and told Y/n to rest. He also fired Eunwoo from him company.

Jungkook: Okay now go take a shower and I'll take you out for some fun.

Y/n: Okay.


I was still sad from yesterday's incident but seeing Jungkook trying so hard to comfort me melted my heart and it made me feel so much better. I quickly took a shower and changed into . He also came and was looking so .

I went to him and we went to amusement park and sat on a lot of rides and had a lot of fun. I was feeling so much better.............he was clinging onto me the whole time and did everything I told to him...............I felt so lucky, we also met some Armies and they took pictures of us. When we were about to reach home I opened my phone and saw a lot of Armies tagged me..........I showed this to Jungkook and we were happy that they are not hating on us anymore.

But then I realized that my wounds hasn't been redressed............and I couldn't do it because it was on backside.............and Kriti is also not here.......aarrghhh!!! What should I do. I can't tell Jungkook...........it will be so embarrassing. I will try to hide it.

After sometime we changed into our pajamas and went to bed. We didn't eat dinner cuz we already had while hanging out. I was waiting for him when he suddenly came and put his hand on my shoulders and tightly hugged me..............my wound hurted and it started bleeding again..........I groaned a bit.

Jungkook: Oh my god!!! I'm so sorry.......did I hurt you.(He looked at my shoulder and found it bleeding) It's bleeding.............I'm so sorry Y/n.........you didn't redress your wound right.

Y/n: Y-yes.........Kriti is not here so...........

Jungkook: I can do it for you.

Y/n: What!............but.

Jungkook: Y/n...........it will be very troublesome calling Kriti at this time. And why didn't you tell me before.

Y/n: I forgot.

Jungkook: Y/n(He gently held my hand) Do you trust me.

Y/n: Of course.

Jungkook: Do you think I have some other motives.

Y/n: No.(I replied in a low voice)

Jungkook: Then will you let me do it.......please.

Y/n: Uhh.......okay.

Jungkook: Open it yourself.......till then I will bring the first aid kit.

I slowly opened the buttons of my night gown and was about to take it off when Jungkook came and stopped me.

Jungkook: Don't take it off.........just slide it down so that I can treat your back.

I slowly slid it down and my bra was visible......I closed my eyes due to shyness. But then Jungkook covered my chest area with blanket and I wrapped it on my front side.

Jungkook: Are you comfortable now?

Y/n: Hmm

He treated my wounds gently and softly pecked my shoulder causing a shiver run down my spine.

Jungkook: Wear your clothes...... let's go to sleep now.

I layed down and he took me in his embrace.

Jungkook: I love you.......good night.(He said pecking my forehead)

TO BE CONTINUED......​​​​​​...............


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